Thank you for sending me to that shiur. It was amazing. I've now become a fan of R' BT Twersky and have started listening to his other shiurim...
This shiur starts with the sfas emes who notes that Yehuda's argument to Yosef seems not to have anything new, just a repetition of facts.
His yesod is that the way out of a problem lies in the problem itself, and if it seems unclear, one needs to review the problem again, first asking Hashem to open one's eyes (bi adoni).
He then brings an AMAZING story from the R R Zisha and the Bal Hatanya, that really drives the point home.
I've also listened to the following shiur on Elul: which was phenomenal! It discusses some of the core ideas at GUE:
changing the ratzon (removing the desire to lust) rather than fight the actual ratzon, wherever possible. He quotes the Maharal that refers to this as changing the 'makifim', and then has a novel pshat in l'dovid: lo ira libi.... b'zos ani botach... achas shalti.... shivt bvais hashem.... to change the makifim, and then there is no war.
He actually mentions a story about lust, and uses the term that the fight is tiring, but by removing the ratzon to chet, makes it much easier....