Hey Guys,
Thanks for all your comments and help. I contacted a guy who studies the Zohar and this is what he recommended (Maybe some of it will be applicable to you guys as well):
He also sound a lot like Guard lol. Also, If any of you feel scanning the Zohar would help you, here is the link to his site:
dailyzohar.com/?p=4617 You have a lot of spiritual energy and masturbation was the way that the negative side held you from reaching higher levels.
It is the hardest restriction because it is related to the level of Yessod. The pleasure is great because it comes from the upper sefirot. It drains us and we feel immediate lack of light because there is no continuation for this light.
From your story, I assume that you are now about 26 years old and not married.
If you properly follow the next steps you could gain all your lost spiritual energy back.
1. Set a goal and pray to get married with the best woman for your life. (please do not define look or colors. Let the light guide you into it.)
2. Be careful with your eyes. Avoid looking at women, especially their significant parts or whatever attracts you (breasts, cleavage butt, lips, ears...you know your self.). Abvoid websites, magazines, 'Victoria Secrets catalog and similar stuff. If you accidentally look, close your eyes (not while driving!) and say Shema Yisrael or the first three lines of the Ana B'Koach.
3. Never beat yourself for accidents.
3a. Avoid reading the newspaper. If the news are big, you will hear it in the air. Seeing different traumas scenes, deaths, accidents and other ills of society, contaminate and weaken the soul.
4. Socialize yourself with good and fun people but not 'one track minded'.
5. Schedule Zohar scanning time morning and evening, including short scanning before going to sleep. It is good to keep a Zohar book next to your bed or a small one under your pillow. When scanning ask the light to erase all porn images from your brain.
5a. Avoid eating pork because it increases the sexual desires, especially for a sensitive person like you. Eat healthy to balance the body energies. It will help increasing spiritual power. Join a gym, Yoga...etc.
6. When meeting a new 'lady' (that how you should feel toward her, not a chick or a girl or an 'easy' one), ignore the sexual attraction element. Talk and treat her like a friend with no sexual agendas. develop relationships only for the purpose of getting married. To avoid losing further spiritual energy, you have to stay on track. It will better you in all aspects of your life.
7. If the relationship is honest and you feel close to her and that 'She could be the one', you may be more intimate with her. If not then after giving it a decent chance, you let her go and continue your search for your special lady.
8. Even if the woman ask for sex and doesn't care if you don't call again, do not let it happen. The more you waste energy in the wrong direction the farther you will be from the special one.
9. Always be honest and true with your words.
10. Write down all the major steps so it will be 'engraved' in your brain.
Anyway, have a good weekend all.