nezach wrote on 24 Apr 2011 13:28:
I have been thinking about this question myself, and personally reached a decision that although it is a long road to full recovery, take it one day/week (depends on individual and level of growth) at a time. Its basically having a short and long term strategy, with strong fences helping us to get by day by day. Its certainly not a good idea to be despondent b/c 'its so hard' or the immense amount of time for us to recover (experience tells that its more than a '90 day' job). However, the stronger we build our foundation, the greater the satisfaction and healing. most importantly, the easier it will become.
I also want to take this opportunity to mention that Pesach has helped me to strengthen my resolve and increased my determination. I found a note mentioning that today last year (5th day of sefirah) I lapsed. It is really important for me to have a clean day. Moments ago, I did let down my guard and broke my promise and 'ran a search'/viewed some images, although not 'znius' they were not nakedness. although this lasted several minutes, boruch Hashem that I closed it down and came onto this forum. Lets draw strength and determination from this experience. We can breakfree and bring tikunim for our past sins and strive to holiness.
Pesach sameach. May Hashem help and rescue all of us. We do not want to go back to mizrayim!
This is beautiful, at least to me. Funny how despondent some of us become regarding the impossibility of recovery...yet so few actually
give up on getting a degree, finding a lucrative job, finding a good wife, or raising a family. All those things are 'really hard' too. But somehow, we all seem to just slog through it all until we get what we want for ourselves in those areas.
At least most of us do. It may not be pretty, yes, but we get most of these things. Why?
Because we need them. That's all. Everybody knows that you just
need to get a job, a wife, have kids, you do it.
And you do not do any of these things all at one time or in '90 days'. How silly. They take a year, sometimes a few years.
Yet I have read so many on GYE write about the fact that they balked when they read others like me talk of how getting free of the old images and movies in my head took a year or two - or of how finally
really taking my 4th step and coming to accept myself with peace so I could
finally come to my senses and know (for a change) that Hashem accepts me and loves exactly as I am took me about 1.5 years of clean time in recovery - well, why do people hear that and freak out, while they all accept that it takes 3 years to get an MBA or semicha, become a shtik'l talmid chochom, or find a good wife - and go do
those things?
Sure we are all chicken. No chidush there. I am possibly the biggest chicken of them all. But we do what we must and we give up on quick gratification -
for things that we really need. I am not addressing you, 'netzach', just reflecting. You write sharply and to the point here. But there is one thing I'd hope for you (and for me to continue with): that we do not do this thing alone. We have always sought out porn and images and masturbated
alone. recovery does not really succeed that way for most, it seems.
Recovery really comes by way of doing things differently than we did them to get sick. That means opening up to real (safe) people in a real (safe) ways. These virtual forum 'relationships' may be a bridge - perhaps the only bridge for some. But I hope for you to find real people who are sick as you are and yet in strong real recovery, as I found. Only the truly sick understand and can pierce the darkness of the insanity, and we need to do it together.
Perhaps you are doing this already - but if you are still going it alone, my message is for you.