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Heading on While Fasting.
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TOPIC: Heading on While Fasting. 1226 Views

Heading on While Fasting. 29 Jul 2009 22:21 #10148

  • Tomim2B
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Last Edit: 08 Jan 2010 11:56 by chana1804.

Re: Heading on While Fasting. 30 Jul 2009 00:56 #10154

  • Tomim2B
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Last Edit: 08 Jan 2010 12:02 by radiantotter00.

Re: Heading on While Fasting. 30 Jul 2009 04:45 #10155

2B or Not 2 B,

I would like to elaborate but it's tisha bab after all & I'm trying to focus on why we are still in golus.

As much as work keeps you ocupied & away from sin it might be wise to follow the law of the torah for a day and try to focus on the churban for a change this way we might finally end up getting out of golus which will solv all the smaller problems we have on a daily bases.

We have a problem connecting to the chorban from 2000 yrs ago so we can just cry to Hashem about a
Our own chuban we have to deal with more specificly on GYE its our Kedusha wich destroys us.

Stop working for at least from morning to late after noon & Cry & Daven to Hashem to help us all get over the distruction of our Kedusa or any other problems we face in life that Hashem should take us out of this golus once & for all. Amein!

Last Edit: by gibor613.

Re: Heading on While Fasting. 30 Jul 2009 05:03 #10156

Reb Tomim,

I realized that I might of been to harsh but Tzadikel, we tend to forget the bigger picture some times & fucos on the smaller things.

All I'm trying to say is that we have this special day that we can show Hashem that we really want out of golus.

We really want to be close to our father in heaven.

We really want to break free from this struggle & addiction!

So why waste the day on the net?!

Gevald! You are much bigger then that.

The halacha requires not to work so we can have in mind what we lost, so that we can focus on our own curban!

So that we can get the Big Yeshuah!

One who cried for the shechina while it was in golus will be zoche to see it B'Sifarto.

Let it be soon
With all the love in the world

Last Edit: by mike613.

Re: Heading on While Fasting. 30 Jul 2009 05:54 #10158

  • Tomim2B
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Last Edit: 08 Jan 2010 12:04 by radiantotter00.

Re: Heading on While Fasting. 30 Jul 2009 23:30 #10207

  • Tomim2B
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Last Edit: 08 Jan 2010 12:18 by radiantotter00.
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