YVY, here are some ideas that might you might consider helpful toward realizing your goal...not that i necessarily agree or disagree
The site has to do it's best to avoid increasing peoples emotional temperatures to the point where they don't make the appropriate decisions.
One way to do that might involve changing the name of this entire forum from "Internet Addiction Forum", which pretty much says that if you're here, you're addicted to something a little more pareve.
Additionally, the generic introduction package template (Welcome to our community! Once you've arrived, there's no turning back. Everyone here will just grab a hold of you and pull you up, up, up!...") should probably be modified.
The word "addict" appears 9(!!) times, which is a really strong (excessively so?) message to someone who may just need some chizuk with shmiras einayim. As of now, advice to join the 12 Step Calls is included in this introduction, and l'kichsaoscho, should probably be removed, or at least have a clarification about whom the Calls are for.