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TOPIC: How Long Did You Experience Withdrawal Symptoms?1586 Views
How Long Did You Experience Withdrawal Symptoms?
29 Jul 2009 07:28 #10044
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Last Edit: 08 Jan 2010 11:26 by resilientgiraffe36.
Re: How Long Did You Experience Withdrawal Symptoms?
29 Jul 2009 07:47 #10049
Hi. Welcome to the GUE family. ;D
I've experienced many withdrawal symptoms too. Moodiness, tense... It passes after a day or two. You can read about it in my thread over at the womens side (if you're willing to take the jump )
Last Edit: by kiruvrav.
Re: How Long Did You Experience Withdrawal Symptoms?
29 Jul 2009 15:49 #10109
hi welcome abord
with much hope for your continued hatzlazcha
for the first 30-40 days i was jumping out of myskin
i went from being totally controlled to totalyy clean it is WORK WORK WORK
post away!!!!
do not take yourself too serious it is atzas hayetzer
enjoy life and find rewarding activities to replace the negative behavior
welcom welcome welcome
I am alittle subdued its almost tisha bav
I am seriou 2days a year erev tisha bav until chatzos on tisha bav
and yom kippur thats all I can handle
Last Edit: by tahor7.
Re: How Long Did You Experience Withdrawal Symptoms?
29 Jul 2009 21:14 #10135
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Last Edit: 08 Jan 2010 11:49 by DeletedUser38548.
Re: How Long Did You Experience Withdrawal Symptoms?
29 Jul 2009 21:49 #10143
yes i will gladly explain it holy chaver
I have experienced and found in many sforim (nesivos shalom for one)
the Yh tells aperson that he is insignificant and his CHET has no real affect after he alredy does the chet then he says ah hah !! you lowlife you noi-eff you lowest peice of trash look what you did look where you were pogem dont you know you did a chet that the zohar says there is no teshuvah for huh?? hu? you!!!
at that point do not take yourself too serious say my TATTEH is the chanun hamarbeh lisloach
boom! move on keep your eye on the ball and keep on hitting!!!
see my oost fell shmell its cute but important!! b
Last Edit: by gtrijoe.
Re: How Long Did You Experience Withdrawal Symptoms?
29 Jul 2009 22:27 #10149