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Searched for: Keep on trucking
24 Apr 2018 03:28


ieeyc wrote on 24 Apr 2018 01:23:
Be`ezras Hashem part 8
Rabenu Yona  ztl brought down a Pasuk that the yidden in the first Bais Hamikdash were so busy no one had time to look at their actions and regret what they have done to say "MEH ASISI?-WHAT HAVE I DONE?",

The Mesilas yesharim brings down the same Pasuk and  says, that the reason why people dont look into their ways is because they are too busy ,why are people so busy?its a trick of the yetzer hara to keep people  too busy to look into their ways and the Mesilas yesharim says a surprising thing :

"the yetzer hara knows that if yidden would spend a little time looking into their ways,its guaranteed  they would start to regret their actions,and little by little the regret would grow stronger and stronger until they would abandon the sin completely ! "( Second Perek)

A  guarantee from the Mesilas yesharim! All it needs is a little Emunas Chacham on our part!

someone wise wrote to me a few months ago something in the vein of "the reason why you are not looking into your ways is because you are too busy on gye". I looked into my waze, re-routed my truck and now BH things are doing better

Hey, even the guy that coined the term "keep on trucking" did that for an extended period - You have reached your destination!
:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!
13 May 2018 17:31


A great post - I really resonate with it!

Category: Break Free
17 May 2018 06:04


Every single time you close your eyes from watching what's wrong you become the immediate recipient of a miracle. Keep on trucking and the miracles will start pouring on to you bringing שפע ברכה והצלחה.
Category: Break Free
22 May 2018 16:31


newaction wrote on 17 May 2018 06:04:
Every single time you close your eyes from watching what's wrong you become the immediate recipient of a miracle. Keep on trucking and the miracles will start pouring on to you bringing שפע ברכה והצלחה.

Amen. May they pour in for all of us. 

Much appreciated.
Category: Break Free
25 May 2018 05:00


You're doing great! Keep it up! 
This is exactly how most people feel at your stage in recovery - the White Book talks about it in detail. Just stay pro-active by connecting to Hashem and the fellowship as often as you can and continue to share/surrender these feelings at your meetings. You will pull through with the help of your Loving Higher Power.
Keep On Trucking and may Hashem grant you serenity, strength and courage.
18 Jun 2018 04:06


i-man wrote on 18 Jun 2018 03:31:
I just fell .... ending a 10 month streak...
ironically i was just last night telling people that im in a very good place - But the truth is I am in a good place ...surprisingly so,  im feeling pretty good  that i just did something incredible - close to a year !  im incredibly gratefull to Hashem for giving me the abilty to accomplish this ,im ready to get the ball rolling again , if anything this was a major wakeup call  that i need to change how i go about things , how i deal with my sex  obsession/addiction ,how to stop doing thngs that could lead to a fall , i have already been in contact with some of the wonderful people  here working out  a plan going forward where i will iyH be able to really take control  .

thanks to all of you out there for the chizuk and companionship its really incredible.

Thank YOU for being part of the crew

I'm sorry to hear the latest news. It's not fun. I've been there, and done that (falling after an extended streak)

Your honesty is a great tool that will get you places, so just Keep on Trucking, cos you're on a good path!!
:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!
02 Aug 2018 03:35


Working privately at home was a killer for me - It has the traps you mentioned

Thank Gd I don't work there no more

What to do if you have to work at home?

Start with re-designing your garage to fit your 18 Wheeler.
Let me know how that goes :-)

KOP? NP!!!

KOP - Keep On Parking
NP - No Parking (allowed)
KOT - Keep on Trucking
TTYL - The Truck's Your Life
06 Aug 2018 14:15


J.o.l in my experience, seeking the right therapy is not like looking for the right ingredients at the grocery store, which can be flipped in the wink of an eye. 

Now, the main issue one may have had is shlomo's acceptance of someone that's gay. I'm not translating for him, but I think shlomo has training in coaching, and empathy for gays is the only way to reach and coach such a person to a better life. He did not condone acting upon ones desires.

He said the mindset of Homosexuals is not accepted by many, which pained him and I totally hear what he's saying.

Each man has to know his strengths 
and weaknesses and contribute to society with all Gd gave him. 
Can someone change his makeup? Possibly. Until then life must go on, and don't beat him up - please!

Guys, let King Shlomo live on, he's doing a lot better than years past. 

Read his previous recent posts, and let peace reign!

Category: Introduce Yourself
29 Aug 2018 07:08


Pidaini wrote on 07 Jul 2015 03:52:
Machooooooool Lach, Machooooooooool Lach, Machooooooool Lach!!!

The ikkur is to Keep on Trucking!! Whether it's mega or monstuh, mamish or moiredig.....Just keep on Trucking!!

Another point is to remember the "habitat" in which falls usually take place, isolation. Keeping in touch and honest with friends is one of the most helpful preventatives.

Another component which a fall feeds off of is being unproductive. Try and keep doing things, anything, that is productive.

Keep on trucking, just one more mile!! When you're there, give us a beep, we'll tell you what your next goal is (that is, if you can't guess yourself )

Sounds like you're keepin' connected. What's with the productivity? Went thru many of the posts on this thread now; have you read the handbook?

29 Aug 2018 07:36


cordnoy wrote on 29 Aug 2018 07:08:

Pidaini wrote on 07 Jul 2015 03:52:
Machooooooool Lach, Machooooooooool Lach, Machooooooool Lach!!!

The ikkur is to Keep on Trucking!! Whether it's mega or monstuh, mamish or moiredig.....Just keep on Trucking!!

Another point is to remember the "habitat" in which falls usually take place, isolation. Keeping in touch and honest with friends is one of the most helpful preventatives.

Another component which a fall feeds off of is being unproductive. Try and keep doing things, anything, that is productive.

Keep on trucking, just one more mile!! When you're there, give us a beep, we'll tell you what your next goal is (that is, if you can't guess yourself )

Sounds like you're keepin' connected. What's with the productivity? Went thru many of the posts on this thread now; have you read the handbook?



Thanks for bumping my truck. Good post. I've been a little in isolation recently. Only doing well since I am too busy to fall, which isn't the greatest way to drive.
29 Aug 2018 14:55


cordnoy wrote on 29 Aug 2018 07:08:

Pidaini wrote on 07 Jul 2015 03:52:
Machooooooool Lach, Machooooooooool Lach, Machooooooool Lach!!!

The ikkur is to Keep on Trucking!! Whether it's mega or monstuh, mamish or moiredig.....Just keep on Trucking!!

Another point is to remember the "habitat" in which falls usually take place, isolation. Keeping in touch and honest with friends is one of the most helpful preventatives.

Another component which a fall feeds off of is being unproductive. Try and keep doing things, anything, that is productive.

Keep on trucking, just one more mile!! When you're there, give us a beep, we'll tell you what your next goal is (that is, if you can't guess yourself )

Sounds like you're keepin' connected. What's with the productivity? Went thru many of the posts on this thread now; have you read the handbook?


I am productive though I tend  to minimize my accomplishments in my mind(self esteem issues ?)  But If ploini was accomplishing what I do than I probably would think hes fantastic and be jealous...
As far as the handbook I've read a little here and there it seems like a lot of it can be picked up by reading around the forums  but I guess I will try to read it cover to cover anything to help the cause...
12 Sep 2018 15:27


Brother - I'm happy you're doing well

Keep on Trucking and don't slow down for those honey cookies
21 Sep 2018 03:20


Thistimeillwin wrote on 21 Sep 2018 02:44:
Hello everyone,

I joined GYE just a few days ago and immediately plunged into the 90-Day program.  I am 4 days clean, but maybe not so clean...
See, I am not ready to cut everything out at once, so I've taken the most severe issues on for now.  This includes: looking at p**n, ma**tion, and kishuy loda'as.  I am still, however, not ready to look the other way every time I see a good-looking girl, or maybe read a titillating news story that doesn't arouse me to kishuy.  I hope to take on these challenges once I have a better (even not perfect) grip on the gimmel chamuros mentioned above.
Here's the question, and I'm sure there will be different opinions.  Does this 'count' as a kind-of 90 days, or am wasting my time?  Obviously every moment I overcome my YH (and at this point it's many many moments each day that I have the urge) I am accomplishing great things, but will I accomplish scientifically what the 90 days is supposed to help rewire the mind if I am exposing myself to mild triggers?
I know some will tell me it's easier to do cold-turkey, but at this moment I don't have the willpower for that.  This is what I am willing to do for the meantime, and may Hashem give me hatzlocho and encouragement to go further and further on this journey.

Welcome brother!

You can try that...

Personally It doesn't work for me, if I keep some avenues open, but I hear you and believe that your 3 Chamoros are a league to themselves and a major accomplishment to reach.

Keep us posted, and Keep On Trucking!!
08 Oct 2018 22:39


A variation of the "Keep on Trucking" phrase so popular in the 70s, I assume.
Category: What Works for Me
09 Oct 2018 19:20


mzl wrote on 09 Oct 2018 18:32:

Thistimeillwin wrote on 08 Oct 2018 11:22:
Well, here we go again.

​I just had a fall, first one since I joined 3 weeks ago, and it can definitely be attributed to my laxity in 'borderline' materials. Obviously, I feel like a failure, and obviously everyone's going to say focus on your clean days and not on your falls...

It doesn't hurt to focus on the "failure" if you view it as a learning experience. You probably want to figure out for yourself what role these borderline materials have to play in your life. Ambiguity is usually a problem in life. You are constantly debating with yourself.

:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!
11 Oct 2018 00:04


mzl wrote on 10 Oct 2018 15:58:

...But I was bipolar and I ended up marrying a person who was like an impossible task to live next to, a historic achievement. Someone that was relegated to being single for the rest of her life (but I saw the sweet girl inside.) Normal, healthy options seemed hopelessly depressing. Also, she turned out to have old, deep seated anger and zero tolerance for my addiction. Like Rashi says, when he is behaving she'a an ezer, and when he doesn't she k'negdo.

...thank you for your good thoughts.

Many many people have 'difficult' marriages but they work on it, and don't consider the seeming quick and easy route of moving out as you have mentioned sometimes

I know what it can be and I feel for you, but not working on building the relationship with the wife and progressing in life with a coach for yourself is just gonna keep the old wheels spinning, and mitigates the good old "Keep On Trucking forward" motto

Seems you like writing out your daily thoughts here, and maybe you do as some others do - alot of thinking with a daily journal of data entries. I would be stuck if that's all I had, but maybe if you'd heed Dovs suggestion it would help you, if you're interested... your choice bro!
15 Oct 2018 21:53


Welcome Chattan de'nan

Yeah there's a motto here "Keep on Trucking" but you gotta start slow

A quick question needs a quick answer. But some answers take a few minutes more than that ;-)

Start with some Dov posts and see where they take you. He also has a great recording re; dating

It should be with Mazal and keep us posted
Category: Break Free
25 Nov 2018 18:46



I'll be honest I didn't have the time to read it all, sounds like you found a very wide HOV lane

Keep on Trucking!
Category: Break Free
08 Jan 2019 08:15


On Vayera:
The first posuk uses the strong term וַיְדַבֵּ֥ר then name of Elokim (also middos hadin) then uses the middos harachamim with וַיֹּ֤אמֶר and the name Hashem.
Why so harsh? Says Rashi
וידבר אלהים אל משה. דִּבֵּר אִתּוֹ מִשְׁפָּט, עַל שֶׁהִקְשָׁה לְדַבֵּר וְלוֹמַר "לָמָה הֲרֵעֹתָה לָעָם הַזֶּה":
- Hashem is showing displeasure that Moshe questioned the evil that had befell the Yidden after he (Moshe) was sent to help.
ויאמר אליו אני ה'.נֶאֱמָן לְשַׁלֵּם שָׂכָר טוֹב לַמִּתְהַלְּכִים לְפָנַי, וְלֹא לְחִנָּם שְׁלַחְתִּיךָ כִּי אִם לְקַיֵּם דְּבָרִי שֶׁדִּבַּרְתִּי לָאָבוֹת הָרִאשׁוֹנִים. 
- nonetheless, Hashem pays back to those who fulfill his word and he is not sending Moshe for naught but to fulfill his task.

The Midrash Rabbah on the Parsha brings a pasuk from Koheles 

וּפָנִ֤יתִֽי אֲנִי֙ לִרְא֣וֹת חָכְמָ֔ה וְהוֹלֵל֖וֹת וְסִכְל֑וּת כִּ֣י ׀ מֶ֣ה הָאָדָ֗ם שֶׁיָּבוֹא֙ אַחֲרֵ֣י הַמֶּ֔לֶךְ אֵ֥ת אֲשֶׁר־כְּבָ֖ר עָשֽׂוּהוּ׃

For what will the man be like who will succeed the one who is ruling over what was built up long ago? My thoughts also turned to appraising wisdom and madness and folly.

It mentions the reference to "outthinking" Hashem applies to Moshe here (questioning the reason why Hashem wasn't helping the Yidden per Moshe's reasoned way) and Shlomo Hamelech who thought the mitzvah for a King to limit his wives was only due straying away from Hashem. Reasoned Shlomo, I can have many wives and not stray thus maintaining the point of the mitzva.
Both are huge failures - Moshe (see Rashi 6:1) is now not able to see the conquering of Eretz Yisrael. And Shlomo, forgetting where in the Gemara, says that when he married Bas Pharoah that the foundation of Rome was founded. Nonetheless, Hashem sees the tzaar of Klal Yisrael and reacts with Rachamim.

I'd like to say the following. When we do averios and things that are wrong, we feel bad. And when we get chizuk that's it all going to be ok or get dragged into thinking all will be bad - either way we ask - but we did so many bad things what now? 
Moshe Rabbeinu hadn't even got to Makkah Numero Uno, and he already knew his leadership would be lacking at the end. Shlomo started in part the force that would provide the most problems for Klal Yisrael. And they were big tzaddikim and davened, and Moshe went up to Shmayim to deliver the Torah, and from Shlomo (thru his line of Dovid) will come Mashiach. Yet Hashem didn't later go "BTW Moshe you can go to Eretz Yisrael, let's forget about that thing before - no biggy!" Nor did Hashem place a wanted ad for a new Manhig Yisrael.
Nope, Moshe on his level made an error, was told in no uncertain terms, and the consequences he lived with. Still serving and was MOSHE RABBEINU.

When we do something bad, we cause bad. No two ways about it. We have now created negativity in the world that must be rectified. However, Hashem leaves it at that and gives us a hug - any feeling of din at that point is now the Yetzer Hara. Now is the time for mercy. We keep on trucking not obliviously, but we face the reality of what we have done and then know with love from Hashem we can continue and still do great things.
Unless you want to say that you want to better than Moshe or Shlomo (please ask the admins for a quality therapist, G-dspeed), the lesson is clear. The Jewish response is recognizing our misdeed not with depression and grieving not denying or sugarcoating, but accepting, then we move on with mercy right away. Yetzias Mitzrayim is just getting started.

29 Mar 2019 16:39


hershy9999 wrote on 29 Mar 2019 15:31:
if you don't mind please daaven for me  שיתעורר לבי לעשות רצון ה' ולעבדו בלבב שלם
Thank you

What’s your mother’s name bro?

Generally from what I’ve seen here, the ones that find some sort of long term Trucking, are those that get into the lane, share their name, bare their shame with another guy here, and Keep on Trucking. Even I tried that ;-)
Category: Introduce Yourself
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