Good evening, or morning, my dear friend. It looks like you are in desperate need of help. And, I may be the only one awake right now to do that job. I hope I can be helpful. I hope I can get back to you in time.
First of all, it is very commendable that you reached out. Even though, probably, you thought nobody would listen in time. There’s always Somebody listening, Somebody ready to help. And, I see from your posts that you are trying to find Him.
Please don’t give up. Though you may feel horrible now, it is always sure to pass. Sometimes it takes days, and in the worst times it may take weeks. But it always passes.
Perhaps try to do something different. Go for a walk. Go listen to some music.
But, from the way you describe life, I think you may need to do a major overhaul. As you are getting angrier ever than before, and lusting more than ever before, it is probably a sign that your self-will is running riot. What would your life be like if you TRULY lived it ENTIRELY on a concern and care for others? I think it would probably be very different. We can always see the symptoms, but the cause is NEVER easy to see. You can stick a thermometer in your mouth and see a fever, but you can’t SEE the flu. For the cause, you just have to trust those who have gone before you, those who have already found the path to healing.
If you feel like you’re missing joy, perhaps you TRULY aren’t doing anything in life that brings you joy. You’ve got stuck in a certain way of doing things, and in a certain way of relating to your wife. You can’t change your feelings while all your actions are leading you to unhappiness. You have to sit down and FEARLESSLY take an accounting of your life. Imagine the ideal. Don’t be afraid to change your life. Don’t be afraid to life up to the ideal. If you are thoroughly enjoying life, the RID and the lust will disappear.
Sorry to hear that your anniversary, and this whole past week, was such a disappointment. Develop love, not lust. Lust is a boomerang. If you’re searching after lust, it will come back and knock you down. It sounds like this is what’s happening with you and your wife. You’re lusting for s*x. You have to give this up and be patient. I know you’ve done this in the past, and reaped rewards.
Just because we’re posting in GYE, and just because we’re on DC’s calls, there’s no guarantee that we won’t ever have unpleasant times in our lives. There’s no guarantee that we won’t ever lust, get angry, or ever fall. That would be immature to expect that. OVERALL, you’re going to act out much less. OVERALL, you’re going to be less frustrated. I commend you; despite all these negative feelings you’ve had now, you’re first reaction was to REACH OUT. You didn’t ACT OUT. Though you may be feeling very low about things right now, appreciate that this is a huge accomplishment, huge progress, what you have managed to do now.
Take this as a signal. Rosh Hashanah is coming and, no doubt, Hashem wants you to have a good year coming up. Perhaps all these bad feelings have surfaced just to wake you up a little more; not to knock you down, but to accelerate your recovery.
Think hard, WHY ARE YOU FEELING THIS WAY. And then, FEARLESSLY face up to this. Don’t be afraid to change. Obviously, something in your life is a source of much unhappiness. No doubt, it’s a collection of little things, and not any one major worry. It’s your approach to these little things. Don’t be afraid to change. And daven hard for the Siyata D’shmaya to do so. (Daven hard to KNOW what you’re doing wrong in life).
How would you have handled this situation a year ago? Despite you’re lowly feelings, I’m sure your response NOW is far better off than what you would have done then. That’s still progress, though you might not be feeling exactly full of joy (and even though you are feeling full of anger and lust).
I wish you lots of success in finding that joy. It’s there. It’s definitely there somewhere. Daven to find it.