Day 5.
I tried to make the 9th step call with my wife (making ammends), and she said she needs a while to give me an answer.
She didn't answer directly, BUT, my fall was due to stress in our intimacy department.
The next morning we had a major discussion about it. After I got over my complaining, my wife took it well and responded. First of all, she pointed out that I didn't have the facts straight. Secondly, she basically pointed out that considering
1. She spends most of her time taking the kids to doctors appointments and such
2. She doesn't have help keeping house, and she barely has time for it, but she does it anyways
3. The house right now is very out of order and we don't have sufficient storage, etc, to keep things straight even if we had the time to do it
4. She runs most of the errands
SO, how do I expect her to ever be interested in intimacy.
I realized, though I thought I was being helpful, I've really got a long way to go.
This week was crazy, even crazier than usual. My wife has had to travel to doctor appointments with the kids almost every day, AND our 3-year old has had a stomach virus and has had to stay home all week.
I just realized--I have to answer to G-d, not to my Rosh Kollel. Being in Kollel is really a privelige, and not an entitlement. Certainly not when my wife is stressed out so much.
I've been pretty flexible this week, even offering to watch the baby (since I'm home with the 3-year old) so the traveling will be easier on my wife.
I even went along to one of these appointments, I was even involved and interested and accepting of the situation (instead of kvetching).
Maybe next week won't be so hectic.
I know my wife values my learning and isn't trying to keep me out of kollel. And, she's even pushing herself extra so I can be more regular at learning. But, there's too much of a price to pay for it.
ALSO, I always used to be bothered because my wife and I always had these heavy conversations. The atmosphere always feels so serious, on the verge of depression.
I'm noticing sometimes now, that since I'm so agreeable to help, lots of things that would have been serious discussions before aren't even getting off the ground.
Like, "can I leave the baby?" "Yes!"
Instead of...
...well, who can we leave him with...
...I don't know, maybe so-and-so...
...but so-and-so isn't available today... or...
...etc. etc. etc.
So, it seems like she gave me her answer.
P.S.: My wife just added that I missed the important part: The real problem is not just giving a few more minutes here and there to help my wife. Rather, the things that are really important TO HER are not getting any acknowledgement or attention. They're not getting taken care of. Therefore, she feels neglected, AND, since none of the things that are important to her are really getting done, she basically feels like a flop all the time.
P.P.S: I just told my wife that I'm not going to keep on writing what she says. I'll be here all day modifying this message. BUT, I'll add one more thing--They're my kids for crying out loud! It's not my wife's problem! They're my kids! I ought to be interested and involved and concerned.