I don’t write here as frequently anymore, but I’ve always got a finger on my pulse to see if I’ve got anything to write about.
We have started the 9th step calls with DC.
Regarding DC’s group:
Until now I felt pretty on top of things—Even before I started DC’s group I felt I had some awareness of my perceptions and motives, and I realized the REAL issue is not the action out, but the underlying ill feelings. (Much to Dov’s credit).
But now we started the 9th step calls, making amends. I looked at all the people I might call, and didn’t think there were really any candidates.
What if I’ve already tried to make amends in the past?
What if the person seems incapable of having a better relationship?
What if I really don’t have anything to do with the person I had resentments towards anymore, and things probably won’t change. And not because of ill feelings, but because of our different lifestyles, and because we have thousands of miles between us now.
I called up Steve, one of the veterans from DC’s group.
Another thing that helped was that I did the 9th step with my wife. It was tricky because we always share the latest insights we’ve gotten for dealing with life. So, I’ve been telling her a lot about this program and she’s even trying to implement the bits I tell her. So I told her my dilemma. “We’re supposed to make amends, and this is how we’re supposed to do it… And, by the way, it feels really weird because I’m supposed to do this with you, too, but you know what I’m doing! I told her the 9th step “script” and she said that she’ll answer after she thinks about it for a while.
After my talk with Steve, and after my talk with my wife, I reached this conclusion:
It seems that the purpose of the 9th step call is much more than just apologizing. Rather, it’s our time to finally face all our fears and resentments. To stop running and hiding from them. One of 3 things can happen.
1. The other person will say they have no idea what we’re talking about. We’ll finally see that our fears were only an illusion.
2. The other person will tell us how they expect us to make amends. We’ll have a chance to repair broken relationships. Instead of being a source of resentment, it can now be a source of satisfaction.
3. The other person will be unforgiving, and we’ll face the worst consequences of our actions. AND WE’LL FINALLY GET IT OVER WITH! We won’t have to live with the fear anymore.
Whatever happens, we’re just getting over with it, and moving on. We’re free.
AND, in the past, I always expected that once I made amends, the other person would also change. If nothing changed, I assumed “I have to do something ELSE, something MORE.”
NOW, I can say, “This is the tried and proven 9th step “script.” If this doesn’t work, nothing will. I’m giving it a last try. AND THEN I’M OVER WITH THIS! If there’s nothing to be salvaged here, I can just throw this garbage out of my head. I don’t need to strain my brain anymore over this.
“Closure,” as my wife put it. And this is something I’ve never done before.
Now, with this understanding, I am looking forward to making these calls.
AND, I see that the 9th step, although the main focus is about making amends, it also seems like it could be a useful approach for forging NEW relationships.