Good Moed.
Here are a few thought I had recently:
I realized another application of “Don’t talk…” As a father, it’s easy to be annoyed with the kids and just tell them to be quiet when I feel annoyed by them. I know, ideally I should work on this. But at least, I was thinking, “Oh no! Am I teaching my kids don’t talk, don’t trust, don’t feel”? And, this makes it easier to be patient.
A&W [Awe & Wonder] Moment
Before Yom Tov, we sent our son to write down the davening times at my usual shul. He’s 9, and the schedule can be a bit confusing. On Yom Tov Mincha, I thought I was arriving 5 minutes early, but I was 15 minutes late. I decided that I could let myself trust my son, even though he made a mistake. I looked for a plan B, and to find meaning and purpose in the change of plans. I found another shul with a later minyan. An otzer sefarim was next door, and I remembered I needed to look something up. I walked out of the otzer sefarim for the exact last minute of sunset—I saw the sun as it dipped beneath the horizon. That was an A&W moment.
One thing I have learned in the course of recovery is that s** is optional, and not mandatory. Due to our hectic schedule I have been more considerate of my wife. As we usually can’t manage to find time to rest, we end up having s** less often. It works out every two or three weeks now. I’ve come to accept that.
My wife and I were having a discussion about where to go for a day trip during chol hamoed. It ended up being a ridiculously long and involved discussion. Then, I thought, “WHAT AM I REALLY FEELING ABOUT THIS!” I realized the following, and told my wife:
“Due to our hectic lives, I understand we might not be able to have s** so often. I can be fine with that. And maybe I’m supposed to be above this, but I really would prefer to have s** more often. So, at this stage in our lives, I’m not really thrilled to plan a day long schlep and wear ourselves out even more. If we have the chance, I’d rather plan a simple, local trip, take it easy, and maybe have a little more energy for each other.”
She appreciated my being so up-front.