I wish all these nisyonos would stop already.
Apparently, they always do, but will be replaced by other ones that may be easier in many respects...we just have to grow, I guess. I haven't had a decent income to speak of in at least a year. I'm really getting worried.
My wife, under normal circumstances, spends half her time bringing our children to different doctors appointments.
Now she's in the hospital for hopefully no more than another day or two, but worst-case-scenerio could be six weeks.
Pesach is coming up and I have no idea how we're going to be prepared for it, or if we'll all be together for it.
Us too. We've got some medical issues that may break the family apart for Pesach and it's not a pleasant prospect. We just need to all do the best we can under the circumstances - and see the good in that. If I don't, I'll end up acting out c"v, and that may actually kill me. The things that I wish - no matter how objectively "good" they are - just can't be allowed to take front row any more emotionally...that's recovery in action. A miracle. Otherwise, the next step for me will be trying to "fix it all up" using my magic (lust) toolbox...it has only one tool in it, and it's a, ummm, errr....let's just call it "fantasy". : I might as well add: I did teshuva and pretty much lost the rest of my family--they all stayed behind. Can barely relate to them anymore. It's been like that since at least 15 years ago.
Youch. That hurts. I assume by "family" you mean your parent(s) and siblings. In recovery, I have discovered that I can maintain my mental and spiritual distance from these people while relating to them more and more. Your serenity will fill you and protect you. Just don't give it up for their sake - or for anybody's! Looking down on others in any way, does just that to me, and soon I start to slip. My learning hopes and aspirations have totally fallen apart.
I don't want to hide these feelings. I don't want to pretend like I made it to 90 days and, presto, suddenly became a superhuman or angel or something.
You have come a very long way and Hashem is helping you in spades. Please consider using this pain. By working my 4th-9th steps from within the pains of life I have found freedom and growth, and lots of nechoma in hard times. Countless others have, as well. KUTGW, Reb Eyeball. You are worth it and so are your wife and kiddies. I don't feel like acting out, but I feel totally crushed. Paralyzed.
Right now my children just came home. They are playing downstairs, and I am ignoring them upstairs to write this. I've been running around like crazy all morning taking care of different things. Pretty soon I'll log out, go downstairs and make lunch, and spend the rest of the day taking care of them.
You may not be perfect at anything, may not be the talmid chochom you wish, may not have the money for the comfort and normalcy you want for your family yet, and may not be as happy a person right now as you wish you'd be, but at the very least, Eyeball, you are trying to be a responsible person and a decent father and faithful husband. I believe that your kids will forgive you for all the insufficiencies you have. Every child needs a decent, loving father and every wife needs a decent, loving husband - like you are. Not a great, wise, nor wealthy one.
Gevalt! We all hope that things get easier quickly for you and yours!