Eye.nonymous wrote on 09 Sep 2009 21:17:
kutan shel hachabura wrote on 09 Sep 2009 21:08:
one of the obstacles is that lusting
seems like fun and enjoyment.
so trying to think of other worthwhile things does not do it... because part of you still is longing for the lusting.
What worked for me is to realize how despicable >
it is to be 'lusting' :o and, as guard call it,
Rather than go on with why it seems that way to me... think about it... and tell us YOUR feelings, on why you would REALLY rather NOT be lusting.
In the mean time, I wouldn't mind hearing your thoughts about this.
I realized that this is not so easy. I've found it not so easy to trace the steps to how I got here. Also, it was not just one point, but the waxing of many things I've seen on the site/handbooks/the-world-out-there (where we have to go, in between logging onto GYE) that came together.
That said, here goes.
Have you ever been to a kidush after shachris? Where I daven, Hashem should bless them, there is a takana that only cake and soda (and woodford). Nothing else. But, I'm talking about a kidush with oily, brown, potato kugel.
Well, it seems people like it. In fact, I never understood why the caterer serves lukshen kugel too, since everyone goes for the potato. In my older age, I realized that it is for the baal simcha... so that they don't complain about the amount of food...
'Hey, how come you served so little, for all the money you took" ???
"huh? Little? Come on... look at all the lukshen kugle left over" ;D
Anyway, did you ever see someone who just HAD to get a piece? (or two or three or four). You probably seen it... the guy lunging for a peice, with that look on his face... :o
Well, I've seen it more than once.
Since we are all anonymous, I'll say that I think I might have even been that fellow, once upon a time.
That is called ' lusting ' .
The kugel is mutar.
The guy heard kidush. On wine. Full cup. using a real kos, not paper. B'makom seuda (had 3 pcs of cake).
But its disgusting.
its piggish.
oink oink.
I've been zoche to see real live curly-tails run after food, so I can be may'id.
Its piggish.
That's REASON #1.
Coming tomorrow... iyh
it doesn't stop
humble and happy,