Momo wrote on 04 Feb 2010 08:19:
Haven't you proven that you CAN make that declaration and smash the Y"H for once and for all out of your life. Then you stop counting and get ON with your life, and stop counting and stop thinking about not acting out. What do you think Eye?
Dov, I know you are totally against this approach. In fact, you wrote in your last post on this page "That feeling of confidence that "I'll probably stay clean now, it seems that I've got it down" is precisely what I thought between the sickest acting-out binges during all those years when I was so incredibly busy "doing teshuva". I was always so sure I'd never go "back out there". Not..."
But Dov, I'm not talking about "I'll probably stay clean now". I'm talking about declaring that "I will stay clean because I'll never act out again, no matter what happens to me or how I feel. I will take care of R.I.D. in different ways than acting out." I know, it's the influence of the Rational Recovery material I've been reading. It's RR vs. SA. For some people, SA is the way to go (like you). I'm just feeling out Eye to see what he thinks of the RR approach (the declaration of "I'm never doing this again. Now, lets stop counting days and move on with my life...").
Hi Momo!
blued two lines above, to comment on.
I hope I am not "against"
any derech for recovering. In fact, I tried plenty and liked them all. At each bend in the road - if you would have asked me I'd have told you I was sure I'd never act out again! Not kidding. Now I say "probably" cuz I have accepted that tomorrow doesn't exist yet so I can't have any power over it - talking about sureties of tomorrow is poison for me. That's my facts of me. Not for you or anybody else, perhaps. But what should I do? never say it for fear that someone will take what I am saying as some kind of bible-truth?
Certainly, I have a special affinity for the only derech that actually
worked for me. I hope that's legal. I hope that doesn't brand me as 'judgemental'.
So, I love Rational Recovery. Love it, love it love it. If it works for you. I could not care less what
anyone uses. The
only thing that I am here for is to help people get sober today and stay sober today. So more power to you or reb Eye, etc, whatever you do about your problem, as long as it works for you.
When Sturggle shared his true feelings above, you responded that Hashem certainly
does love him. And I am with you 100%, as I posted above. But that was not the point of his post. He was telling the truth
as far as what he saw, in himself. And that was the point of my question. (I tried to explain the purpose above).
In the very same way, I am not posting the objective truth - what's
right. I am trying to share the facts about my experience. I feel that doing anything else, like "teaching", is a total joke. For who the hell am I to teach? I am not a talmid chochom, not a model husband/father/jew/anything - just another recovering pervert. Who in their right mind would look to
me as a
teacher, anyway? If folks see what Hashem has given me and want some of that, let them take! Kol dichfin... I am ready to share my experience like my imperfect sponsor shared his with me. I have no assumption of Truth - excepting the absolute truth about what my experience was.
That I can be honest about!
Is this clear, or just so much more dovish?
So, my recovery knows nothing about
smashing a yetzer hora, or an addiction, out of my life forever. Forever is not in my lexicon. Really. Though, with Hashem's sweet help I actually may die sober. Who knows? Not me. (maybe Rage does, though...) Who could really ask for more, even though just "
not acting out" is certainly a far cry from how I live my life today! And so is being
against any form of successful recovery. Maybe I used to be that way in my first years, but uh-uh - no more.
I respect and love you, Momo, because I believe you are a truly good person, trying the best you can like I am, know your voice, and because you are a Jew. And I just felt like setting a record straight. Hope you are cool with the above, but I have no power over that, either!
And now for a badly needed visit to
bardy's pub!