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Eye.nonymous (Elyah) official count
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TOPIC: Eye.nonymous (Elyah) official count 75514 Views

Re: Eye.nonymous official count 20 Dec 2009 20:37 #36189

  • Eye.nonymous
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imtrying25 wrote on 20 Dec 2009 20:33:

Dude im totally maskim. Chazarah always works. :D

I forgot that I wrote that already (and I scanned the last posts a bit too quick)!  :-[ :-[ :-[

Last Edit: by ayid613.

Re: Eye.nonymous official count 20 Dec 2009 20:39 #36192

  • imtrying25
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No need to feel bad rockstar. Like i said it always helps to chazer.

Oh and i must add; things are really getting bad if im remembering peoples post more than they are themselves. maybe i should take a break from the forum. :-\
Last Edit: 20 Dec 2009 20:42 by georgebascomb123.

Re: Eye.nonymous official count 20 Dec 2009 21:16 #36224

  • sci1977
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Keep on going.  Stay strong and postive.
Last Edit: by shimondorfman.

Re: Eye.nonymous official count 21 Dec 2009 12:41 #36336

  • Eye.nonymous
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Day 52 (a full deck!)

I had another realization.  Especially growing up secular, you get the idea that the ONLY worthwhile pleasure in life is S**.  Nothing short of this registers.  And this probably makes it so easy to become obsessed about S**, and addicted to it.

So what I just started focusing on, to counter the addiction, is to appreciate life's small pleasures.  At the risk of sounding like a flake... basic pleasures like the fresh air and sunshine as I walk down the street, or pausing for a moment to take in the sunset.  There's plenty of real and healthy pleasures to appreciate throughout the day.

Last Edit: by saul123.

Re: Eye.nonymous official count 21 Dec 2009 12:50 #36339

  • Momo
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It's not fake at all.
Read what Duvid Chaim wrote about A and W (awe and wonder) moments. It's about this kind of stuff, seeing HaShem thru nature and in our daily lives.
Last Edit: by mrbrawn.

Re: Eye.nonymous official count 21 Dec 2009 13:10 #36341

  • imtrying25
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Last Edit: by danielo.

Re: Eye.nonymous official count 21 Dec 2009 14:48 #36375

  • silentbattle
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R' Avigdor Miller talks about that stuff all the time, seeing hashem in the smallest things, constantly realizing how much hashem does for us - for example, when we eat a slice of bread, think of how many people and steps were involved in getting that piece of bread onto my plate!

And it's a great way to be constantly involved with thoughts about hashem!
Last Edit: by pr123.

Re: Eye.nonymous official count 21 Dec 2009 14:54 #36378

  • Eye.nonymous
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Momo wrote on 21 Dec 2009 12:50:

It's not fake at all.
Read what Duvid Chaim wrote about A and W (awe and wonder) moments. It's about this kind of stuff, seeing HaShem thru nature and in our daily lives.

I said FLAKE!   
Last Edit: by DeletedUser8523.

Re: Eye.nonymous official count 21 Dec 2009 20:25 #36504

  • Sturggle
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Hey Eye!!
Sounds like you're rockin'.
And what's the definition of flake anyway?
Has that already been discussed here?
Anyway, according to a dictionary I have here,
an informal usage of the word is defined as
a crazy or eccentric person.
Appreciating the everyday pleasure in this world
that are so often looked over is not crazy or eccentric!
I'm totally with you on appreciating these small pleasures.
I hope to learn to do so more and more throughout my life.
Last Edit: by chaimshaul.

Re: Eye.nonymous official count 21 Dec 2009 20:28 #36505

  • Eye.nonymous
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sturggle wrote on 21 Dec 2009 20:25:

Hey Eye!!
Sounds like you're rockin'.
And what's the definition of flake anyway?

What does your dictionary say about "frosted flakes"?
Last Edit: by movingfoward23.

Re: Eye.nonymous official count 21 Dec 2009 21:39 #36536

  • imtrying25
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Eye.nonymous wrote on 21 Dec 2009 20:28:

sturggle wrote on 21 Dec 2009 20:25:

Hey Eye!!
Sounds like you're rockin'.
And what's the definition of flake anyway?

What does your dictionary say about "frosted flakes"?

Last Edit: by addgye.

Re: Eye.nonymous official count 21 Dec 2009 21:42 #36538

  • Sturggle
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Eye.nonymous wrote on 21 Dec 2009 20:28:

sturggle wrote on 21 Dec 2009 20:25:

Hey Eye!!
Sounds like you're rockin'.
And what's the definition of flake anyway?

What does your dictionary say about "frosted flakes"?

Last Edit: by johnserbia.

Re: Eye.nonymous official count 22 Dec 2009 06:17 #36677

  • Momo
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Eye.nonymous wrote on 21 Dec 2009 14:54:

Momo wrote on 21 Dec 2009 12:50:

It's not fake at all.
Read what Duvid Chaim wrote about A and W (awe and wonder) moments. It's about this kind of stuff, seeing HaShem thru nature and in our daily lives.

I said FLAKE!   

OOOOps.  :-[
Misread that. I guess it was my own insecurity talking.

Anyway, nothing wrong with being a flake.

Keep on rolling, Eyeballer!

Notice how you've inspired me to blee neder take on the 30-50-90 day challenge?
Mitzva gorreres mitzva!
Last Edit: by ashamed1.

Re: Eye.nonymous official count 22 Dec 2009 12:29 #36781

  • Eye.nonymous
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Momo wrote on 22 Dec 2009 06:17:

Notice how you've inspired me to blee neder take on the 30-50-90 day challenge?
Mitzva gorreres mitzva!

Glad to see it.

Last Edit: by ydferrell.

Re: Eye.nonymous official count 22 Dec 2009 12:32 #36785

  • Eye.nonymous
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Day 53.  Still going.  Baruch Hashem.

A little math:

1 little real pleasure > 1 big fake pleasure.

And, I know someone's gonna try to run with this, so I'll beat you to it:

1 little real pleasure > 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 big fake pleasures.

Last Edit: by DeletedUser8981.
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