Reb Eye,
Some possibilities you may wish to consider:
1) You may not be missing anything at all. That might just be the way life is. Deal with it. At least you are "a somewhat more humble, honest, and mature person - in other words: a more useful person," now. And you are still lusting out there somtimes. Did you really expect perfection?
2) You may be mistaken. Our "progress" is not readily apparent to us
because we are looking at it from inside of ourselves. We judge its seriousness/badness exactly by how frustrated/upset we are with it right now.
So, today, you may have a much higher standard, say, in how much pleasure you take from it, how much fantasy you attach to it, or how much guilt and self-loathing you spend on it (the guilt and self-loathing being perhaps even more damaging than the fantasy...). Progress in these areas is progress, too.
So if you
have progressed, it is likely that you feel worse about doing even less that you did before, because of your current improved state of sanity.
Make any sense to you? (I posted somone about this idea last week, or so, but can't remember where....)
3) I'd ask you if you are working the steps in order (with help from other recovering people). If yes, great! Look back at either 1 or 2.
If you are not intending to, then count me out, for I made no apparent progress before the steps and can't relate. Sorry. I still love you, if that matters to you.
4) Maybe you are ready to start working on "controlling" your eyes in a new sort of way, now. Have a prayer to say for each and every one of the women you tend to stare at. (At least don't stare at them
while saying the tefilla...). Then say it again if you still feel selfish. get worried about their lives, self-respect, health, connection with Hashem (it's really huge for
everyone to have a relationship with Hashem, rather than be fooled by chazerai and living death, no? Not just yidden, right? Aren't you a nice guy? (Of course I am!) Don't you wish good for everyone? (er, sure...) So? Daven for her!!! Hey: and using her image to lust
is caring? Ha! I doubt it. (......ummm....)).
Also, you can try to give your eyeballs to the Ribono Shel Olam while you are driving/walking/swimming/floating/beaming (?!) to work/yeshiva. I used to say the parsha of the Tomid (be'al peh, of course) while driving into work, instead of taking that "second look" at the first image of a woman that I noticed in an adjacent car (or walking/jogging by) every morning, and treated the ta'ayvo - that I excruciatingly painfully gave up - as a korban to Hashem. Made it real by saying the parsha, as Chazal tell us to do in lieu of giving the korban. BTW - it was very important for it
not to be the parsha of an
ola or a
chatos -
it isn't kaporo I am interested in here at all. Guilt/Teshuva and kaporo are all strictly Hashem's business, as they have proven to be far too poisonous for me. My natural approach to them was infected full of my old ways of sick thinking that got me screwed up in the first place. Chas vesholom for me to go back there, no matter how "frum" it may seem.
It's a korban tomid. Just a gift for Hashem, cuz He's my Best Friend, My G-d, and I serve
Him - rather than
me or Lust - as often as possible. A nice thing to do, no?
Besides, I found that setting the table well with giving up the very first "second look" made the entire trip to work safer for me! It was really nice eyeball upgrade, though temporary - it require daily rebooting and frequent refreshing for a few months till it becomes much more natural. (Don't worry, then we'll find soemthing new to kvetch about - we always do! :
;D )
Rambling, yeah, but nu. Hope it helps somehow. It's not advice nor preaching, just one addict's personal experience.