Day 57, it feels good but not as good as I thought it would. I guess I just want to feel this sudden sense of relief where I can say "Whew, thank G-d that's over with" but it aint happenning that way. I am only sober today, and every day I get tempted. This morning at the gym I was lusting big time and stealing glances here and there. Even in davening this morning I had what's called "euphoric recall" and found myself thinking about some of the porn i've seen over the years. Another thing is that I keep having nightmares that I lost my sobriety. And sometimes they feel so real that I really think that I lost it. I read that this is a common thing in people going through withdrawel. But on good note, this last shabbos I felt a sense of inner peace and calmness I haven't felt in years. It felt like my whole body was just floating. It felt really amazing. I am also becoming less egotistic and caring much more about others. I am hleping other sexaholics and am praying for people, especially my enemies. (my sponsor tole me to do this for 14 days in order to reduce my resentments). So all in all I am doing great, but like I said, I am nowhere near the clear. I know what they mean when they say one day at a time, because that is really all I have. I may very well act out tomorow CH'V, all I have is today. I am also trying hard not just to work my SA program, but to do teshuvah. I am praying a lot for G-d to forgive me. I have made lots of stupid decisions which were probably influenced by me acting out. I just want Hashem to return me to my place. The place that he wants for me. I need to turn my will over to him. Until I do that I will still always worry about parnassah, my children, and everything else I can't control.
Hashem: Please put me on your path. Please provide my sustenance for me so that I don't have to worry about it and can devote my time to doing your will. Please remove the fear of financial insecurity from me so I can think less of myself and more of others. Hashem, I know I made a lot of mistakes. I am a dufus. But please give me a second chance. You have been there for me before. I remember when you brought my beautifful wife into my life. I remember how you brought me to Eretz Yisroel to learn after I was married. Hashem you loved me so much! But I screwed it up!! I'm so sorry. You gave me everything I needed to be successful but I wanted more. I wanted lust too. But now I know I can't have both. You spit me out of your holy land and brought me into golus. You caused my finances to dwindle. You turned the sky into copper and the ground into steel and there has been no blessing in any of my endeavors. My hands have not seen any success. My heart has been corrupted. I used to spend my time learning your Torah, surrounded by kedusha, but now I spend it wallowing in Tumah. I used to learn day and night and now my mind can't understand a simple sugyah. Oh how I have fallen. Oh how I am so misplaced and have no comforter. And now I realize, my story is the story of us all. Sin, exile, golus, persecution. I am living our history. Hashem please redeem me from the prison of golus to which I have exiled myself. I see no way out and have no key. Only a nes can save me. Hashem, please save me for your sake, for I have no merits of my own on which I can rely.