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36 days....(no) koach
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: 36 days....(no) koach 6214 Views

Re: 36 days....(no) koach 08 Mar 2010 15:37 #56929

  • silentbattle
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Hello, Reb Ovadiah!

Thank you for the mazal tov! I really appreciate it.

I understand your point about feeling dependent when you write, but I think that part of truly being your own person is being able to reach out for the support you need, in a healthy way. And that's what we're all here for! And for all your worrying, you've never said anything that sounded weird. You're describing perfectly valid feelings. I can understand them - and even if i couldn't, I'd ask you to explain, because they're still valid - they're YOUR feelings, and you have a right to express them!

When you talk about feeling yourself, I can think of a few things - first of all, do you see yourself as someone who doesn't always succeed and grow in ruchniyos? So that now, with all this growth, you feel out of touch with yourself? Certainly, though, being involved in these things makes us feel "down to earth" in an extreme way. Literally - it brings us down, and makes us feel like dirt, makes us feel more connected to our physical bodies than our true spiritual nature.

And that's why the yetzer hora keeps telling you that it's not you - but please remember that it IS you! The real you is the one that's flying up, growing tremendously! And you can still keep your feet on the ground, and deal with life, even as you grow.

I think it's amazing that you're continuing to do this, continuing to grow, continuing to find the true YOU!

Please keep us posted - and write whatever you have time for. If it's just to post on your thread, that's fine - we're here for you anyway!
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Re: 36 days....(no) koach 09 Mar 2010 05:57 #57092

  • 123.trying.123
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R' Ovadia

I may have been projecting my own stuff onto you...

Anyway, Continue what you are doing....

I am rooting for you....

Peace and Love...
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Re: 36 days....(no) koach 28 Mar 2010 06:35 #59799

  • buzi
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Day 76. Tomorrow is Erev Pesach.

What does liberation mean to me?

To go to work without constantly worrying (and knowing) am I going to act out today or will I be able to control myself?
Leaving work without feeling relieved that I made it through the day without acting out or frustration/guilt because tit happened yet again.
That I can go to sleep after my wife without diving for the ..... to act out.
I have learned to focus and be happy with what I have, not with what I don't.
That I can focus positively on my Avodas HaShem without feeling hypocritical and constant parardox.

Thank you HaShem for bringing me to GYE and thank you Guard for being a true Sheliach.
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Re: 36 days....(no) koach 28 Mar 2010 08:51 #59801

  • Someone
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Ovadia and all the others that have posted here: Thank-you for your thread.
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Re: 36 days....(no) koach 28 Mar 2010 14:19 #59816

  • jewinpain
Reb ovadia, can u imagine the nachas ruach hahsem has from ur korban pesach this year, I don't know ur story , but sounds like this year u will be freed for the 1st time and u can truly feel the kdusha of pesach, may hashem help u to take along all the hashpuas of this holy yom tov and keep truckin
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Re: 36 days....(no) koach 28 Mar 2010 14:40 #59821

  • jewinpain
Pesach = 76 by using mispar kutan for the pa, so here u got a remez that u can feel good about
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Re: 36 days....(no) koach 28 Mar 2010 18:03 #59835

  • silentbattle
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JIP - nice gematria!

Reb Ovasia - fantastic! It's a wonderful feeling to be free - there still can be work, but we feel the benefits of it! Have a great yom tov!
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Re: 36 days....(no) koach 29 Mar 2010 00:20 #59889

  • 123.trying.123
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R' Ovadia

I still get inspiration from your posts... (Yes Your Posts Your Thread Your Story...)
Keep it up... I for one am rooting for you...

Peace to all
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Re: 36 days....(no) koach 11 Apr 2010 10:08 #60619

  • buzi
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ovadia wrote on 28 Mar 2010 06:35:

What does liberation mean to me?

To go to work without constantly worrying (and knowing) am I going to act out today or will I be able to control myself?
Leaving work without feeling relieved that I made it through the day without acting out or frustration/guilt because tit happened yet again.
That I can go to sleep after my wife without diving for the ..... to act out.
I have learned to focus and be happy with what I have, not with what I don't.
That I can focus positively on my Avodas HaShem without feeling hypocritical and constant parardox.

Thank you HaShem for bringing me to GYE and thank you Guard for being a true Sheliach.

My thoughts at 90 days.
Thank you HaShem! As R, Twerski put it in his beautiful article on Pesach, when one is freed spiritually, then he is thankful for every second of his freedom. GYE has made me realize that the concept of Kedusha and being part of a holy nation is not just an elusive idea for “holy” people. It is within our grasp. And for this I truly have to thank HaShem for having the Zechus of having my part in His Plan.
Contrast - Sometimes I think back to those p…. images (not the triggering parts) which I have not seen for 90 days and I think of those half animals debasing themselves, in grotesque ways. Could this really be what interests me?? What a contrast between what I “gave up”, and what I received instead. The contrast is beyond words.
Appreciation - I cannot express my appreciation enough to everyone here at GYE for literally saving my soul. I have received so much from you; so much Insight and understanding. But most of all support and guidance, and the feeling that in the times of darkness there are some very dear people out there who care. Thank you all so much. And of course I look forward to the grand GYE kumsits with all of you, with the Shor HaBor and the Leviasan!
Privilege - It has been the most amazing experience to have contact with so many emotionally and spiritually deep people/Neshomos. It has made me feel emotionally alive. I have had the opportunity to express my emotions and feelings without feeling inhibited or childish. And I also feel spiritually alive. A special type of Avodah different to learning and daavening, but what gives more meaning and amplifies to all Ruchniyos.
Disappointment - Here at GYE we see have everyone has their own struggles. I might be wrong but it seems that there are different levels of addicts. I feel that my own addiction was just a bat habit I could not get out of and needed to be broken. What did it take? Openness and frank confrontation with my feelings and weaknesses.; getting out of isolation and realizing that there is an effective way of breaking the habit. And more than anything a framework within which to do this and the support which I received.                              And that is the tragedy. Why did it have to take so long to discover something so simple? I am sure that there are so many low level addicts out there like me, that don’t need therapy or SA groups, just a healthy perspective and attitude, support and communication, realization that you are not alone or the only one and to be given the opportunity to talk from their heart. Why is the frum community continuing to deny this to themselves?
Here is an example of what a difference in attitude can make. A while back I started a thread on the forum about whether to buy a laptop or not. In the end I bought one because I had to. I know that before I found GYE I could never have trusted myself with a laptop and for that reason I would never have bought it. B”H because of GYE I was able to buy it and so far I have never had the temptation to “abuse” it (Yes, I do still have a Y”H!!) 
The main lesson that I learned over the last few months has been to appreciate and be happy with what I have, and not be constantly looking at what I do not. All the lust and fantasizing comes from wanting just that little bit which is out of your grasp. I learnt to stop “looking” away from myself.  Yes, guarding your eyes begins in the eye of your mind. If something does not interest you, then you do not lust for it.
Finally, no words will suffice to thank R’ Guard enough for being HaShem’s Shliach in saving my soul. HaShem should give you the Koach to continue in you holy work, and there is no doubt that you will be in the front lines to greet Mashiach Tzidkainu!
The future – The struggle has only begun and we don’t get any respite from it. I once heard this powerful idea from R’ Mattisyahu Salamon Shlita.
Most Rishonim say that the last Nisayon of Avraham Avinu was the Akeida. However Rabeinu Yona says that the last Nisayon was the burial of Sara.
The question is obvious. After having been through the Akeida, what was the big deal about having to haggle over the plot to bury Sara?
The answer is that sometimes a person feels after having been through a very hard Nisayon "HaShem I have done my bit, leave me alone already!" and Avraham Avinu had every reason to feel this way. He had just been through nine difficult Nisyanos. Surely he had proven his loyalty to HaShem! But in this world there is no letup, and that was the final most difficult test.
To me this is the hardest bit, not to be able to relax at all and have to always be on my Guard. Although I feel that I have broken the habit of p.., m.. and internet browsing I am faced with constant sights and triggers, which I feel that I have hardly begun to face up to controlling. May HaSem give me the Koach to continue. 
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Re: 36 days....(no) koach 11 Apr 2010 14:16 #60640

  • briut
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Wow. An amazing 90 days. And an even more amazing post.

Your perspective and insights are so intelligent, profound, and now SUCCESSFUL.  Celebrate! Not necessarily with Woodford but with something that makes your neshama say, "I share the sweetness you feel right now; I'm celebrating for the same reasons you are; I hope this simcha brings the family closer together than ever."

Maybe we could organize a "virtual" siyum or something for you??
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Re: 36 days....(no) koach 11 Apr 2010 21:26 #60691

  • the.guard
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Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!! Mazal Tov!!

90 times!!  ;D ;D ;D

Ovadia Tzadik! You have raised yourself up like Ovadia Hanavi, who was brought up in a world of Tuma and overcame it!

I will quote your beautiful post in tomorrow's e-mail, along with Letakien's short post of gratitude on reaching 90 days today as well! She wrote:

90 days. I'm not really sure what the appropriate thing to say or do right now is. i'm sitting here on my couch with real tears rolling down my cheeks. tears of truth, tears of accomplishment, tears of pride, and tears of immense gratitude to Hashem and to all my family at GYE. A few short months ago I was drowning just like that guy in today's chizuk email. drowning in a sea of wave after wave of lust and acting out. GYE pulled me up, threw me a life jacket, and i grabbed at it desperately. I thought you would help me be clean, abstinent. Instead, you helped me build true relationships in a place where i could trust, feel, talk, and hope. You helped me be content with the life that I have and to see all the good that Hashem has bestowed upon me. You taught me to smile, to try to pray, to reach out to others, and to hope to Hashem for help.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. May we all be zoche to see geula in all of our personal journeys and to see the ultimate geula soon!
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: 36 days....(no) koach 11 Apr 2010 22:47 #60699

  • 123.trying.123
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Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: 36 days....(no) koach 12 Apr 2010 11:17 #60773

  • buzi
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Thank you everyone for your warm words.
I was happy to see that you quoted what LeTaken wrote because it made me realize the contrast to my feelings.

Yes, as I wrote no words can describe how thankful and relieved I am to have gotten to this wonderful stage. But do I feel a huge sense of accomplishment, pride etc? Not really.

Yes, about a month into the journey, I would come to Mincha Erev Shabbos, the end of a week of being at my office and not acting out and my heart was bursting. I remember saying Aleinu and feeling how privilaged I am to be part of Klal Yisroel. But now I don't have that feeling. I actually found this quite confusing and I have given it some thought.

I had a number of thoughts, but my main feeling is that I just feel that I have come home. I was in a sewer unable to pull myself out. Now I am back home after all the years. What do I feel - relief, yes, but also a big feeling of responsibility - never again will I be able to feel and say that something is beyond my control !
Last Edit: 12 Apr 2010 11:58 by .

Re: 36 days....(no) koach 12 Apr 2010 16:48 #60829

  • silentbattle
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First of all - mazal tov! It's wonderful news, and I'm proud to know you, and have been an observer on your journey!

Welcome home...it is a wonderful feeling - focus on that! Look at it this way: If you were in jail for years, and finally got out and returned home, you'd be deliriously happy. Even though it would mean that you'd have to make your own food, and go to work, and worry about the electrical bills, etc. Yes, there are responsibilities to being free. But they're part of being free!

From another perspective, there's a part of me that feels disappointed at times. "Does that mean I can never check out a girl while I'm walking down the street? I can never enjoy the way she looks, or fantasize about her?"

But I remind myself that it's just the opposite - I don't need to waste my time and energy on those thoughts. I now have the opportunity to keep my thoughts pure, to focus on my relationship with hashem, and with the real people and relationships in my life!

It's an opportunity, not a sacrifice.
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Re: 36 days....(no) koach 12 Apr 2010 18:48 #60859

  • Dov
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Dear Ovadia,

Are you the same Ovadia who was on GYE about a year ago? I remember you and I'd say "elokim y'choncha, b'ni" if I were significantly older than you (and also a bit wierder). Wow, have you come a long way! Please take it easy and be matzliach one calm day at atime.
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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