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​When Chizuk is Needed.. failed once more.
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TOPIC: ​When Chizuk is Needed.. failed once more. 4072 Views

Re: ​When Chizuk is Needed.. failed once more. 09 Mar 2023 13:19 #393079

  • emes-a-yid
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To my dear friend reading this:
You are an incredible yid for just being on this site, I am breath taken after each post or new person that comes on and shares a bit about himself, keep it up. You guys are mamash matzlichim in your own ways of growth and Hashem is proud of each one of you! (that includes me too) lol.


Thanks for reading! Stay shtark, I am also being challenged, just build your confidence, never quit no matter what, you are your strongest enemy and yet you are your strongest savior so you choose, I am not saying it's easy but am saying it's possible just takes effort and work!!
-from Emes-A-Yid

Re: ​When Chizuk is Needed.. failed once more. 12 Mar 2023 00:54 #393159

  • emes-a-yid
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18.. bzh vite. I see the thank yous, it’s
those small clicks away that can give strength 
to keep at it! Thanks
To my dear friend reading this:
You are an incredible yid for just being on this site, I am breath taken after each post or new person that comes on and shares a bit about himself, keep it up. You guys are mamash matzlichim in your own ways of growth and Hashem is proud of each one of you! (that includes me too) lol.


Thanks for reading! Stay shtark, I am also being challenged, just build your confidence, never quit no matter what, you are your strongest enemy and yet you are your strongest savior so you choose, I am not saying it's easy but am saying it's possible just takes effort and work!!
-from Emes-A-Yid
Last Edit: 12 Mar 2023 00:55 by emes-a-yid.

Re: ​When Chizuk is Needed.. failed once more. 12 Mar 2023 04:55 #393180

  • eraygrand
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Reading about your fight and most importantly the tremendous successes that you have had is a great source of chizzuk to all of us. Just compare the number of clean days that you have had over the last 4+ months! 

Re: ​When Chizuk is Needed.. failed once more. 12 Mar 2023 05:23 #393182

  • emes-a-yid
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eraygrand wrote on 12 Mar 2023 04:55:
Reading about your fight and most importantly the tremendous successes that you have had is a great source of chizzuk to all of us. Just compare the number of clean days that you have had over the last 4+ months! 

To my dear friend reading this:
You are an incredible yid for just being on this site, I am breath taken after each post or new person that comes on and shares a bit about himself, keep it up. You guys are mamash matzlichim in your own ways of growth and Hashem is proud of each one of you! (that includes me too) lol.


Thanks for reading! Stay shtark, I am also being challenged, just build your confidence, never quit no matter what, you are your strongest enemy and yet you are your strongest savior so you choose, I am not saying it's easy but am saying it's possible just takes effort and work!!
-from Emes-A-Yid

Re: ​When Chizuk is Needed.. failed once more. 13 Mar 2023 18:08 #393247

  • emes-a-yid
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To my dear friend reading this:
You are an incredible yid for just being on this site, I am breath taken after each post or new person that comes on and shares a bit about himself, keep it up. You guys are mamash matzlichim in your own ways of growth and Hashem is proud of each one of you! (that includes me too) lol.


Thanks for reading! Stay shtark, I am also being challenged, just build your confidence, never quit no matter what, you are your strongest enemy and yet you are your strongest savior so you choose, I am not saying it's easy but am saying it's possible just takes effort and work!!
-from Emes-A-Yid

Re: ​When Chizuk is Needed.. failed once more. 14 Mar 2023 04:31 #393293

  • emes-a-yid
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20, Baruch HaShem! Tomorrow will be 3 weeks, staying viter bzh.
To my dear friend reading this:
You are an incredible yid for just being on this site, I am breath taken after each post or new person that comes on and shares a bit about himself, keep it up. You guys are mamash matzlichim in your own ways of growth and Hashem is proud of each one of you! (that includes me too) lol.


Thanks for reading! Stay shtark, I am also being challenged, just build your confidence, never quit no matter what, you are your strongest enemy and yet you are your strongest savior so you choose, I am not saying it's easy but am saying it's possible just takes effort and work!!
-from Emes-A-Yid

Re: ​When Chizuk is Needed.. failed once more. 14 Mar 2023 05:03 #393294

please daven for me that I should get there one day
Yeshayahu ben .....shprintza? Idk, Hashem knows my real name
איש את רעהו יעזרו ולאחיו יאמר חזק!! (ישעיהו מא:ו)
Let's do this together!!

Re: ​When Chizuk is Needed.. failed once more. 14 Mar 2023 18:47 #393328

  • emes-a-yid
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Yeshayahu 41:6 wrote on 14 Mar 2023 05:03:
please daven for me that I should get there one day
Yeshayahu ben .....shprintza? Idk, Hashem knows my real name

Hey, I seen one of your forums and wish you hatzlacha and should have your head straight in the direction towards hashems will. Keep it up..
To my dear friend reading this:
You are an incredible yid for just being on this site, I am breath taken after each post or new person that comes on and shares a bit about himself, keep it up. You guys are mamash matzlichim in your own ways of growth and Hashem is proud of each one of you! (that includes me too) lol.


Thanks for reading! Stay shtark, I am also being challenged, just build your confidence, never quit no matter what, you are your strongest enemy and yet you are your strongest savior so you choose, I am not saying it's easy but am saying it's possible just takes effort and work!!
-from Emes-A-Yid

Re: ​When Chizuk is Needed.. failed once more. 15 Mar 2023 04:03 #393366

  • emes-a-yid
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21 days. Looking back to the past when ever ch"vsh a fail occurs, I used to be numbed so within the week or so although with some regret I was bound to fail. Now however, I see that it just out right made no sense, I cant believe I went so low to watch bad stuff. 

Baruch Hashem, another reason it's hitting me is I also stopped YT for 2 days, I challenged someone and now am holding back at least 5 times I could have watched some videos instead am being more productive, and gearing to the better side - lol I know it's only 2 days, but it increases my mind better in thinking and gearing of less one minute short videos or tens to hundreds of 10-30 min clips just sitting there as if it was my job to eat up every video. Baruch hashem, one day out of the YT videos was nice, and B"ZH I stick with it for the full week, then viytar. 

Yisod for my life... I had to wake up and it's about time. 

I needed a challenge I guess, and pretty much was a huge factor of removing myself from youtube, since that lead me to bad sites. I now try gearing to specific sites of shiurim, gmails and site for music. Other then that unless needed I try opting out of. 

3 weeks complete and can't wait to continue progressing behezras hashem!
To my dear friend reading this:
You are an incredible yid for just being on this site, I am breath taken after each post or new person that comes on and shares a bit about himself, keep it up. You guys are mamash matzlichim in your own ways of growth and Hashem is proud of each one of you! (that includes me too) lol.


Thanks for reading! Stay shtark, I am also being challenged, just build your confidence, never quit no matter what, you are your strongest enemy and yet you are your strongest savior so you choose, I am not saying it's easy but am saying it's possible just takes effort and work!!
-from Emes-A-Yid

Re: ​When Chizuk is Needed.. failed once more. 15 Mar 2023 19:01 #393403

  • eraygrand
  • Current streak: 581 days
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Routing for you! I'm five days behind you. IYH we will continue increasing and remain 5 days apart! 

Re: ​When Chizuk is Needed.. failed once more. 15 Mar 2023 19:51 #393407

  • Hashem Help Me
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It is a lot more than the three weeks. You have rewired your thinking, and you have made life changes. The growth you have made is exponential. Yes, on paper there are three clean weeks (which in and of itself is cause for celebration), but there is so much more - there is a new, healthy, stable, geshmak, wise, understanding, comfortable eved Hashem. Keep it up tzaddik.
Feel free to contact me at michelgelner@gmail.com

My threads: Lessons Learned: guardyoureyes.com/forum/20-Important-Threads/335248-Lessons-Learned

                    My Story and G-d Bless GYE: guardyoureyes.com/forum/17-Balei-Battims-Forum/303036-My-story-and-G-d-bless-GYE

Re: ​When Chizuk is Needed.. failed once more. 16 Mar 2023 02:23 #393422

  • gettingthere9
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HardButPossibleLetsgoNachamul! JourneyCount..Day1

So I, emesayid, failed. Today was a completion of a long streak (3months roughly) sadly, It bothers me to express but am awaking a new journey. I need the oilam's help again, please help with the chizuk, I am still down, but I know posting will help and I will get back a new within some time. I love you hashem and I will shtiegh and pass through this hard nisayon, although it's a very hard time for me now, tomorrow I will hopefully look back and see the heligha kiroyvim here and help, with my tefilos which can bring help from you. I will do this bzras hashem 90days bzchus one to have children, I will be more involved to shtigh! Hashem you are here with me and I can give people chizuk, to give myself is hard but am trying my best. To the chasuvey oilam, I am sorry I thought I was a gibor but realized today I am not, I am down and it hurts I know I am temporarily going through this darkness, but this nisayon will pass through soon!

 Hatzlacha to me - emesayid, you will look back and pat yourself at the end of this all bzh! Keep making Tati Proud He is watching down at you!

I don't post much these days, however, tonight I decided that I was going to write something that I spoke about on the Parsha and this was the first post I bumped into in the forums and it's very appropriate... (if you have no patience reading the whole thing just skip to the end...)

The Gemara says that a Navi needs to be a Gibbor Ashir Chacham and Anav, and the Gemara continues that Moshe had all these qualities, and the Gemara brings proofs.

The Meforshim (Rosh) ask, why doesn't the Gemara bring the following as a proof? The pasuk in Parshas pekudei (39:33) says that the yiddin brought the whole mishkan to Moshe. Rashi quotes a Midrash that the Yidden couldn't lift it because it was too heavy and it kept on falling down. Why? because Moshe felt bad that he didn't have an active role in the building of the Mishkan so Hashem wanted him to be able to put it together so he made it that no one was able to lift it, but Moshe was able to lift it?

The Maharsha asks on the Rosh that if you look at the next line in the Midrash, Moshe asks Hashem, how can I or any human being lift it? It's impossible! Hashem answered, you put your hand there and make as if you are lifting it and it will go up by itself with a nes. If so, how can that be a proof for Moshe being strong if he didn't really do anything?

Rav Chaim Shmulewitz explains the Rosh that we have the definition of the word Gibbor all wrong. it doesn't mean a strong person, rather, someone who harnesses all of his energy. He brings a proof from the famous Mishna Eizehu gibbor hakoveish es yitzto. But the Gemara says that if not for Hashem's help we would never conqour the Yetzer Hara? How is that considered a Gibbor?

Rav Chaim explains that what it means is that we have to try our best, put in our best efforts and then (and only then) Hashem comes and holds our hand. And it was the same with Moshe. He was a Gibbor because he put in the effort.

Even when we fall, we are still Gibborim as long as we are trying and we don't give up!

As long as we are still trying...

The main thing is to try our best!
Hope for the best Prepare for the worst
Last Edit: 16 Mar 2023 02:27 by gettingthere9.

Re: ​When Chizuk is Needed.. failed once more. 16 Mar 2023 16:43 #393443

  • davidt
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The Chovos HaLevavos explains in a chapter on Bitachon, why the Torah does not mention much about the “Next World” He says something very shocking. The full flavor of the Olam Haba is reserved only for Duties of the Heart. This world is the reward for the external part of the Mitzvos we do. Olam Haba, ultimate closeness to HASHEM is not a business deal or a game. It’s a relationship. No number of deeds will compensate for the heart, and HASHEM wants the heart.

"וְהִתְקַדִּשְׁתֶּם וִהְיִיתֶם קְדֹשִׁים כִּי קָדוֹשׁ אָנִי" (י"א, מ"ד)

הקשה מרן רבנו חיים בן עטר – האור החיים הקדוש:   

לכאורה המילים: "והייתם קדושים" מיותרות, כי פשוט שאם נתקדש, אז ממילא גם נהיה קדושים, ואם כן די, היה לכתוב "והתקדשתם כי קדוש אני"?

והשיב בלשון קודשו: "פירוש – אם אתם מתקדשים, אני אקדש אתכם לבל יכנס לגופכם דברי שיקוץ"

כלומר, באה התורה לרמוז לנו בזה שאם ישתדל האדם וישאף להתקדש בעצמו, הרי שמן השמים יסייעו בידו להגשים את שאיפותיו, ויסובבו שלא יבוא דבר תקלה על ידו, כי כלל בידינו שהבא ליטהר – מסייעין אותו! וזו כוונת הפסוק: והתקדשתם – אם אתם תקדשו עצמכם ותתאמצו בדבר, אז מן השמים יסייעו לכם שתהיו קדושים, ולא תבוא תקלה אליכם, כי רגלי חסידיו ישמור.

"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
feel free to reach out @  ahavayirah@gmail.com

Re: ​When Chizuk is Needed.. failed once more. 16 Mar 2023 17:43 #393448

  • emes-a-yid
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Hashem Help Me wrote on 15 Mar 2023 19:51:
It is a lot more than the three weeks. You have rewired your thinking, and you have made life changes. The growth you have made is exponential. Yes, on paper there are three clean weeks (which in and of itself is cause for celebration), but there is so much more - there is a new, healthy, stable, geshmak, wise, understanding, comfortable eved Hashem. Keep it up tzaddik.

Thanks for being there, Day 22
To my dear friend reading this:
You are an incredible yid for just being on this site, I am breath taken after each post or new person that comes on and shares a bit about himself, keep it up. You guys are mamash matzlichim in your own ways of growth and Hashem is proud of each one of you! (that includes me too) lol.


Thanks for reading! Stay shtark, I am also being challenged, just build your confidence, never quit no matter what, you are your strongest enemy and yet you are your strongest savior so you choose, I am not saying it's easy but am saying it's possible just takes effort and work!!
-from Emes-A-Yid

Re: ​When Chizuk is Needed.. failed once more. 19 Mar 2023 13:38 #393522

  • emes-a-yid
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Day 25, quarter of 100
To my dear friend reading this:
You are an incredible yid for just being on this site, I am breath taken after each post or new person that comes on and shares a bit about himself, keep it up. You guys are mamash matzlichim in your own ways of growth and Hashem is proud of each one of you! (that includes me too) lol.


Thanks for reading! Stay shtark, I am also being challenged, just build your confidence, never quit no matter what, you are your strongest enemy and yet you are your strongest savior so you choose, I am not saying it's easy but am saying it's possible just takes effort and work!!
-from Emes-A-Yid
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