Today I finally fell.
Im not surprised. Its happened to me lots of times before. But today I fell in such a way that I feel like I have to share just so I can get my frustration off my chest (don't worry. For anyone who is reading this, I will not be going into any gross details, just the situation that caused them).
I share a room with my brother, who has an ipad with almost no filter. I have 3 devices myself, but most of them have at least some sort of a filtering thing. My brother always uses his ipad when he's home but today my parents went shopping so he came along and left his ipad behind. Soon enough, I decided to use it.
At first I didn't do anything bad on there. I'm an explorer, so I love looking up new places and how to get to those places, so thats what I was doing for awhile. But eventually the dark part of my brain took over and reminded me of what device I was on and what horrible things I could see. To speed things up a bit, I lost a little control and I saw some bad stuff but at least I stopped myself before I could do anything bad.
Once I gained that control I was determined to not let go of it. I went away from that Ipad, to my side of the room, and davened Mincha. After I was done I decided to watch a video on Youtube on the problem we all have. I found a very interesting video that explained the science of this addiction, it was extremely interesting (if anyone wants, I can give you the name of the video). But my streak of good took a terrible turn when he started talking about the mind, and what this addiction does to it. He said something along the lines of "it affects what you do" and "it makes you sick" plus he went through some examples of the kinds of things someone with this addiction might do. There was a lot more to it than that which I don't remember, but I remember what it did to me.
After I stopped watching the video I began to question every part of my life. Was I really doing so and so all this time because I was sick? If I wasn't sick, would I have done something else? I was so upset by this that I even began questioning my love for girl members of my family (ex: cousins) because, what if I only loved them because they were girls and my diseased mind was trying to get me to come closer to them just because of that?
This shook me so much that the dark part of my brain gained new life, even as I tried to convince myself that this couldn't be true. I love them because we're family and because of all the memories that we share together. Not because I was sick. But it was no use. From that point on, it became much harder to chase away the darkness. I just felt too tired, too emotionally drained to do anything to stop it.
But I still held on.
My self-control was so poor at that point that I kept picking up one of my devices with a filter and searching for bad stuff. When I realized that I couldn't find anything I put it down. Then almost immediately I felt like searching again, with still no luck, so I put it down again. This went on a few times until I picked up my cell phone, which I found out today that it does not have a very good filter, and searched for bad stuff.
I found it, along with the end of a terrible battle that lasted about 5 hours that ended in defeat for me. The most frustrating part was that my defenses were broken by a video designed to teach people more about this addiction but instead allowed mine to get stronger. Not that I'm complaining about the video. It was a great video that taught me a lot about how the addiction works, and how it doesn't matter how many filters you have. If your mind isn't filtered it doesn't mean anything. That's why its so important to guide our eyes from things that can trigger our addictions. The video was about an hour long but I only watched about 30 minutes, but I hope to continue it when I fully convince myself that I'm not "sick in the head."
But there are some things that I am proud of from today. 1) It took 5 hours for my defenses to fall. That means what I have learned is starting to really help me. 2) Usually the yetzer hara gets me in ways that are predictable (ex: laziness, boredom, etc.) but I never would have been able to predict what happened today. Hopefully that means the Y'H is running out of ways to beat me and that now he's starting to scrape the bottom of his disgusting barrel.
Thanks for reading! Hopefully next time if something like this happens again I'll know what to do about it. But for now, I wish you luck on destroying your own addictions too!!