I was very very surprised last night, leaving the library around 1AM, after grabbing some leftover cholent from mishmar (still lukewarm even after an hour), and looking forward to getting to sleep, that I walked out the door with someone I was somewhat friendly with, and I like him, but just didn't see enough of him to become good friends with.
Anyway, we were walking and talking about snow, and then he says to me, "Let's talk about something more interesting, NOYA." I was like, WHOA. Double take. Come again?
Yeah, he ID'd me, and I guess I subconsciously wanted something like that to happen, because I definitely made it very easy for anyone to guess who I am given they know even a little about me. This guy turns out to be one of the greatest warriors on the forum, and it was so nice talking to him about it, and knowing that there's someone else out there, someone real that I could get chizuk from, and not just a mashgiach or rebbe, who might not know what I'm going through, but from a fellow addict.
I spoke with him for probably half an hour, in the freezing cold (and the poor guy was just wearing a polo), and it's nice to have him around. Now I feel more confident about this 90 day thing, seeing someone who's done it before with my own eyes. Seeing is believing they say.
Anyway, I'm still star struck by the hashgacha pratis and very happy about it.
On to today's report:
For the first time in a long time, I missed shacharis and slept until 11:15. My body was so exhausted from a very hard week of studying that it just refused to get up today. It was like, "NO, NOYA! You've taken me too far! I ain't moving!" So, fine, once in a blue moon, it happens. Okay, I definitely did stress myself a lot this week, and unfortunately, I have a lot more stressing to do for finals and for this ridiculous test I'm taking in February that will definitely be the hardest test of my entire life so far.
But I'm clean as a whistle so far, and that's great news!
Happy New Year!
P.S. Day 8 Summary: Slept in, no attacks so far. A+