I love you too, IT. I wonder if our minds will ever recover from this completely. Anyway, report:
Today was pretty good, at least from a taivah fighting perspective. On Tuesdays we don't have shiur; instead there is an optional chazara shiur given by the top guy in yeshiva. I went, but I was really tired from the night before (studying until 1 AM) so I left in the middle to nap.
I have a little routine going this campaign, that every time I daven shacharis I have a little extended conversation with Mein Tatte. I reaffirm my committment to this campaign every day, and remind myself why I'm doing this and why I don't just give in to the yetzer.
It's all about becoming great. If you masturbate or look at pornography, that reduces your spiritual health. If you're not spiritually healthy, how can you hope to succeed at learning? How can you hope to succeed in davening? Of course you will feel empty and coming up with nothing if you're doing aveiros while in yeshiva. It's only natural that you'll feel that way because a person can't have these opposing forces inside of him going on. If you give in to tumah, you kick out taharah. If you let tahara in your life, you kick out the tumah. If you try having both, you end up contaminating the tahara and becoming all tumahdig.
So if you want to make anything of yourself, this is priority number one - becoming sober. If you want to have a chaishek in learning, or to have a real relationship with G-d, this has got to go. This is your entire life's purpose for crying out loud, becoming as spiritual as you can become and thereby making the world more spiritual as well, and doing these aveiros is the very antithesis of one's mission objective.
Also, it's a terrible feeling being a hypocrite. Living life straight and true feels better ultimately then giving in to a pleasure that seems so amazing before the act, but really it's not, even beshaas maaseh.
Shake yourself off! Seize the day! Cast away this habit and become the masmid and lamdan that you can become!
Day 5 Summary: So far so good. One attack before nap, attack deflected successfully. Keeping very very busy studying for an exam - be sure to not get so into it so you impact learning. Grade: A+