I'm gonna agree with UAJ, here - I wouldn't use the word casualty. For me, using that word would make me think, "what I was doing really wasn't that bad, it wasn't a step towards getting on the Lust train, it's not something i need to be careful about...but oh, well, it was part of my neder!"
I would add that you mentioned that you did NOT have innocent intentions. In point of fact, when most of start start randomly googling stuff, we rarely do, I think. It rarely leads anywhere good. That's aside from the fact that it's usually a siman of boredom, or RID.
By compulsion, no, I don't mean a mental disorder. I mean "a strong, usually irresistible impulse to perform an act, esp. one that is irrational or contrary to one's will." (Random House Dictionary, taken from Dictionary.com)
Would you say that you qualify? I know I do!
As for saying goodbye, it'll keep knocking for a while. But eventually, if you really want to say goodbye, it'll go away. If you don't really want to say goodbye...well, you know what smokers say: "Quitting is easy, heck, I've done it dozens of times!"
Before I finally started my road to recovery, there were times when I deleted an entire email account, with pictures of women, contact information, everything. It was like a clean break. Except that my Lust knew tha i didn't really want to say goodbye, and eventually, it kept knocking, and I answered again.
With Hashem's help, I've gotten to a place where I realized that I couldn't survive with Lust anymore. It was killing me, killing the person i wanted to be, the person I could become.
And the results speak for themselves. I'm actually sitting here, shaking a bit, as I realize how lucky I am to be free of something that I've been stuck in for so long. Thank you, Hashem. Thank you GYE. Thank you to all the people (including you, NOYA) who've helped me get to where I am. Thank you, my wife, my rebbe, my friends.
I'm so F$%@ing lucky, it's unreal.