Like Kedusha said, no offense intended, and I love you.
But as long as a fall isn't that big a deal, then I don't see how it's possible to stop doing it. Recovery is about seeing your life as unmanagable. Teshuva is based on seeing an action that we do as something that we cannot do anymore - not something that I'd prefer to stop, if everything works out. We say fell, shmell, but that's after we fall, not before.
And no, I don't see any hava amina - aside from the addiction aspect, and the fact that every time we choose to act out, we're taking one step closer to dying an addict (see chazal when they talk about doing an aveirah "one more time."), it's certainly clear that being mz"l is an extremely chamur aveirah. I don't think there's any comparison to speaking after hamapil - two totally different levels. Furthermore, one is allowed to say pesukim of torah, shemah, etc, and so this should fall under the same category.
For example, let's say you knew that someone was going to be mechalel shabbos, and you could prevent it by making a phone call - but you already said hamapil. Would you hesitate? I'm guessing not. The reason we 9and I include myself in stinkin' thinkin') question what to do in a situation like yours, is because we don't see a fall as being all that terrible, and we make al kinds of justifications for it,