Okay, I'm going to type up my gedarim that I promise bli neder to abide by for all to see.
Non gedarim
1. I promise bli neder not to masturbate, even not to orgasm.
2. I promise bli neder to keep my thoughts pure and to divert them if need be to other topics.
3. I promise bli neder to not look at pornography, download it, etc.
4. I promise bli neder to minimize my eye exposure to pritzus on the street.
4. I promise bli neder to not make any google searches with bad intentions in mind.
5. I promise bli neder not to visit:
a. c*********s
b. m***********y
c. o****e
under any circumstances
6. I promise bli neder not to contact N**** M********. If she contacts me, then I can send a courteous reply but that's it.
7. I promise bli neder to not be on any instant messenger program except for Google Mail.
So those are things to keep me out of trouble, but I was just thinking today how much I miss it all already. I feel like there is something missing in my life, and that being a good bochur doesn't give me that thrill I get when I act out. How do I get rid of that craving for more? I tried many times to drown it in learning and davening and friends, but it always comes back...
Well, until it does, I'll just do my best one day at a time. I feel like my main problem is loneliness, and not feeling complete. Maybe I should get married?