Okay, I had a reality check today. I've been futzing around here and there with little pricks of taivah that aren't full blown falls, aren't really slips so much either that much, but inappropriate nonetheless. Like typing in something on google search and seeing how google fills out the search, hoping to see inappropriate things, or seeing a website that discusses an intimate issue in a scientific way, or all this BS that has to stop pronto because it's all longing for the YH, and being unwilling to give up the lust.
From now on, I declare upon myself bli neder that I will not sit in front of a computer without an EXACT PLAN of what I intend to do on that computer, and not deviate from that plan ONE IOTA. If I'm checking my email, that means checking my email and not clicking on any ads or links. That means not running any random searches that come to mind. That means NOTHING. At best this stuff is a waste of time, and at worst it is feeding the yetzer in at least some small way.
I've been feeling like I want taivah so much and I miss all the nice little things and I miss talking to the girl I used to talk to and all that. But today I woke up remembering that I shouldn't even have these longings if I am putting in 100 % in my life the way it is supposed to be lived. And I asked myself if I was accomplishing in the way I hoped to be accomplishing. Am I putting in everything I have into my learning and davening? Am I working on my midos? Am I talking with Hashem every day or am I just mumbling some words while happening to have some black boxes on my head and arm?
And today, even though in the morning I had a little stupid slip related to the aforementioned problem, the day overall was a day of real effort, the way I started out this zman. And I had a wonderful day in seder, shiur, night seder and classes. And, as I hoped, nothing was missing anymore after I did that. So NOYA is ready to cut out the BS and get back to living, because I don't want to live only half way and be bothered by my yetzer hara in this pesky way, or at all.
I think it's appropriate that I am leveling up tonight. It's like a new epoch in my campaign. Okay everyone. Later!
Day 31: Very solid overall with only one slip.