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Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge!
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 10553 Views

Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 01 Feb 2010 18:38 #50208

  • Struggla21
  • Current streak: 1 day
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Karma: 0
Day 1 -

For every day I do not fall, I will donate $1.
If I do fall, I will donate that amount.
When I reach 90 days, bezerat Hashem, I will donate double that amount.

I will also do my best to update daily, cant make promises tho, but will try.
This is it, i'm tired of playing this game with the y"h. I want the yezter Tov only from now on.
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Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 01 Feb 2010 18:45 #50209

  • silentbattle
  • Current streak: 1628 days
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We're all looking forward to watching you grow!

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Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 01 Feb 2010 19:05 #50211

  • Sturggle
  • Current streak: 178 days
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  • Posts: 1706
  • Karma: 1
and we're all here to help you along!
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Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 01 Feb 2010 21:17 #50253

  • onelife
  • Current streak: 6 days
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  • Posts: 247
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struggla, just say BLI NEDER...
take your forces not to fight the MENUVAL but to get rid of the HIRHURIM,

SHEVA YIPOL ZADDIK VEKAM means after 7 falls you have to KAM. is that clear??

so, now you have to KAM.

you should know and prepare yourself,
the hard periods is the first 7 days and the days between 15-25,
once you pass them you hit the 90.

and hey,
didn't you imagine SB and me as bodyguard of yours??  > > >

KOTG!! we trust you.
Last Edit: 02 Feb 2010 16:08 by .

Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 01 Feb 2010 21:24 #50254

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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Day ones are always very special. It means we are willing to start over even though we just fell. That takes alot of strength!!!! So keep on rollin my bro. we are all here for you!!
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Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 01 Feb 2010 21:56 #50264

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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Cmon sturggle you were doing so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[  :P :P :P :P  ::) ::) ::) ::)  :o :o :o :o  ;) ;) ;)  :D :D :D :D
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Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 01 Feb 2010 22:27 #50302

  • onelife
  • Current streak: 6 days
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  • Posts: 247
  • Karma: 0
its like earthquake.
at the first days you have to be careful from aftershocks.

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Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 01 Feb 2010 22:39 #50324

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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  • Posts: 3010
  • Karma: 2
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Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 03 Feb 2010 23:23 #51038

  • silentbattle
  • Current streak: 1628 days
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IT - good point. We have to realize that a first day clean is something to be proud of!
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Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 04 Feb 2010 16:17 #51178

  • yona18
  • Current streak: 4500 days
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Struggla! Wow! You made it to 40? That's unbelievable. I haven't had a forty day streak in a loooong time. I'm going for it though. You with me man?
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Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 04 Feb 2010 16:27 #51181

  • Sturggle
  • Current streak: 178 days
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  • Posts: 1706
  • Karma: 1
NOYA, who's not with you?!
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Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 05 Feb 2010 11:08 #51394

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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  • Posts: 3010
  • Karma: 2
Struggla?? Where you be?? I just heard the struggla song for the first time yesterday!! So nu where is my struggla.

Have a beautiful shabbos. And keep on rollin!!

Were here and with you!
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Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 05 Feb 2010 17:23 #51460

  • Struggla21
  • Current streak: 1 day
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Karma: 0
Day 4 -

Bli neder is correct OneLife and i'm defiantly be thinking of you guys as all my bodygaurds protecting me with all kinds of gadgets and stuff.

NOYA!! ofc i'm with you buddy! we are gonna make it this time, just watch!

Rise and neva fall, cause I've been through it all

Shabbat Shalom Everybody and Keep on Truckin!!!
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Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 06 Feb 2010 21:42 #51568

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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  • Posts: 3010
  • Karma: 2
Look out GYE is getting richer by the day!!!

Keep on struggla'ing my friend!!!

have an awesome week!
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Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 06 Feb 2010 22:21 #51573

  • onelife
  • Current streak: 6 days
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 247
  • Karma: 0
struggla - behazlacha!!!

we trust you and love you and guard you
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