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Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge!
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 10559 Views

Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 23 Nov 2009 17:11 #30105

  • Struggla21
  • Current streak: 1 day
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  • Karma: 0
This past Shabbat morning I fell.

I was trying to stop myself and i remember thinking that this is not right. But there was a part of me that told me, its okay. Darn y"h!!!

Im in denver for the weekend and I got my own room at the house i'm staying at. I woke up early and I knew shul would not start for a lil while and my friend (who was in a diff room) wasnt gonna get up early. Thoughts came flooding in my head as i laid there. i tried thinking of other things, but eventually i kept going back to the impure thoughts. They werent p*** images, but rather the girls Ive been with before when I was starting to become religous and before I became religous. I knew I shoulda got out of bed! found something else to do. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I let the y"h beat me! I cant let it do that to me anymore!

Thank you for all your support before and now and in the future. I dont think I would have been able to even talk about this fall or anything about this whole issue if it wasnt for all of you. By reading what you have wrote and seeing that there are other people who must face the y"h even much more than me! gives me the strength to express myself.

Lost in the maze
I know it's just a phase
But I dread it dread it dread it
I won't let my life go to waste
I'm a struggla
Last Edit: by finallydone.

Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 23 Nov 2009 18:41 #30138

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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Hey Struggla. Sorry to hear about your fall. But your reaction speaks volumes. Its obvious your making strides by the way you reacted to the fall. Hey sheva tipol tzaddik vekom. Ask 7up about that shes got what to say. Important not to allow this to get us down but rather build on this expiernce for the future. We all know you can do it, struggla. Keep posting here and letting yourself out. Youll only get love and chizuk. it will help make the strugle a whole lot easier.
Last Edit: by Tab3002.

Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 24 Nov 2009 22:27 #30398

  • Struggla21
  • Current streak: 1 day
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  • Karma: 0
Thanks IT25! I am defiantly am gonna take what happened to me to move on, keep on battleing.

Today is Day 3! (of my new count)

I was thinking today, I can print of the chizuk emails and keep them with me over Shabbat, that way when im in bed and i may start to slip, i can just start reading the emails and become more chazak!!
Last Edit: by Anonymous661.

Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 24 Nov 2009 22:42 #30403

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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Great idea struggla. Not sure why i never thought of it. I guess smart people think smart things.
Last Edit: by sruli r.

Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 24 Nov 2009 23:41 #30419

  • Struggla21
  • Current streak: 1 day
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  • Karma: 0
I have honestly found a new addiction - this website!! lol
I've been on here for hours and i have to study for exams!

I love the chizuk tho, and thanks for compliment IT25, but i dont think i'm that smart.
Last Edit: by needtogrow37.

Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 25 Nov 2009 02:13 #30436

  • yona18
  • Current streak: 4500 days
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Struggla! Yeah, man, getting out of bed in the morning is key. Sometimes I wake up incredibly aroused, and after I go to the bathroom, and my persepctive changes, I forget all about it. That's what you gotta do!
Last Edit: by 4351.

Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 25 Nov 2009 10:50 #30480

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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Het struggla , are you telling me im making a mistake ??? I never do that. But anyways join the club of those addicted to gue. I can honestly say that if not for my addiction to this site i would probaly be falling quite often. Besides for all the chizuk, just that im spending my free time on this site and not on other things that bring me to bad stuff, is helping me out a ton. So keep on pedaling struggla. We ayr heya fo ya!!
Last Edit: by DeletedUser1274.

Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 29 Nov 2009 08:28 #31014

  • Struggla21
  • Current streak: 1 day
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Karma: 0
Tonight I am starting my count from Day 1!

No more falls, no more temptations, this is it!
I'm sick and tired of all this lusting and desires.

I'm stop struggling and start living.

Dayanu! ENOUGH! Today is the day things will change!

Who's with me!?!
Last Edit: by siqosocaget@labworld.org.

Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 29 Nov 2009 09:45 #31026

  • 7yipol
  • Current streak: 3 days
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Who's with me!?!

What a question Struggla!
You know us better than that by now :o
Perhaps its easier to ask who isn't with you
(although you may not get any replies that way!) :D

Go for it.Hashems been waiting for this call!
Hashem is addicted to you! Feel His hugs!"Sheva yipol tzaddik VKUM"
Last Edit: by aahron.

Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 01 Dec 2009 04:54 #31388

  • yona18
  • Current streak: 4500 days
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  • Posts: 364
I'm with you man!
Last Edit: by bmendlo.

Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 01 Dec 2009 05:15 #31389

  • Sturggle
  • Current streak: 178 days
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yo struggla, how ya doin?
Last Edit: by helpmyself-tm2.

Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 01 Dec 2009 05:21 #31392

  • habib613
why does this always happen to you?

so, sturggle, how you doing?
Last Edit: by yonycohen.

Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 01 Dec 2009 05:23 #31393



You do it on purpose, don't you?
Last Edit: by jcf22.

Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 01 Dec 2009 08:36 #31423

  • Sturggle
  • Current streak: 178 days
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someone's playing games with me.
at least i can still delete posts within a topic.
Last Edit: by raf.5019.

Re: Struggla's Struggle of the 90 day challenge! 01 Dec 2009 13:28 #31434

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 697 days
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no one's playing games, I just fixed it now...
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by Lulu123.
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