Dear learned Jews, I am glad that our Maker meets each man where they are,no I am not a Christian, I am searching for the Infinite One, and I was a Cnristian, and Messianic for a little while. But now I study to know what a Noahite know, and a Ger where does he stand with Elohim, bless be the One. I hope to link a tread with the 90 days, but my 90 days does not accept Josephsbrother. Regarding the lion, that was a real lion we camped with, in Gaston,, Ore, we were told at the academy that none should have slept in the woods that night, for she had eaten another human, just about a week before. What does yoshke mean? It is not my purpose to make any uncomfortable, this site is hard to work with, and my IPad is older so I often miss seeing my writing before it final printing here, so it is hard to correct my sentences. What does Chavez mean? I am not familiar with many Jewish terms, and most of my connection has been from Christian Hebrew. Interpret ions, that does not mean that I am not willing to understand your Jewish perspective. Of course main purpose of this site is to help us to have victory with porn, and secret vice.