Ok so lets set the record straight. The story
IS true. Although some facts were changed to protect the innocent and the guilty.
Yes my wife know about gye or gue , or whatever rocks your boat. But she doesnt really know about my addicition. Although i REALLY REALLY want to tell her, im just so nervous about her reaction. BH my wife is very understanding and loving, but im afariad it would be too much info for her to digest at one time. Im still trying to think of a way to break it to her. As i see on the forum, all those that do have their wives know about it seem to be really gaining from it.
And yes it was not easy calming my wife down. She really wasnt happy. But we got her to chill. Basically by the time she found the second sticker she was making a joke about it. But at first she was alot more than suprised.