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TOPIC: I'm Trying! 41412 Views

Re: I'm Trying! 29 Oct 2009 12:05 #26198

  • G38
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imtrying25 wrote on 29 Oct 2009 11:45:

Ist great knowing that there are other people climbing this mountain with me it makes it all the more easier. Hatzlacha on your climb!!!

I think you should borrow the holy glasses from R' B.

Other people? ??? It's a mass movement here, loads and loads streaming upward! Occasionally someone falls and the other rush to pick him/her up and continue.

Just march with the crowd! Destination?...Moshiach :D
Last Edit: by pischoshelmachat24.

Re: I'm Trying! 29 Oct 2009 12:11 #26199

  • imtrying25
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Hey can i get some slack trying?!? Do you really think that your pic is better than mine. When i couldnt ride my bike anymore i got off and walked and at the same time chugged my bicycle with me! ;D I have checked out your thread before but not thouroghly but ill get to it. Im sure its very inspiring.

You're 100 percent right. Women have a tayva to impress men. YET----this is not the reason they dress the way they do on a daily basis. (I understood that's what we were discussing.) A frum women doesn't put on a makeup and think ' oh goody, now all the guys on the strt will  think I'm georgous". She knows she looks pretty and feels good about it. They would be horrified of the thought that they might have been machshil other men. And if she talks to a guy and he stares at her in that way, she won't feel good. She'd feel like she's treated as an object, instead of takin seriously. (Disclaimer:I'm talking about frum women, in general. There are always ppl who need attention and will get it any way possible)  

Above is a qoute of a post you wrote somewhere else. ( I still havent figured out how to carry a quote over so i just copied and paste so you dont get the blue background sorry) Anyways i totally agree with every word you wrote. Its something that has been bothering me for a really long time. After much thought and i mean much thought i came out like what your saying. Women dress up the way they do because they like looking nice and presentable. They most definitly dont mean to trigger men to lustful thoughts. And more if they would know they would be disgusted by it. Its just their natural way of being. But of course us perverted men dont see it that way. Its us with our messed up minds that get triggered by it. Now im not saying women could wear whatever they want but most of the time this is the case. Now youre gonna ask "How are you so sure of yurself and yourpshat"? Well i have thought about it and from some commen sense that i sure hope i have AND from the fact that i have9 sisters helped me come to this conclusion. ( hope i didnt just give away my identity)
Last Edit: by Havethepower.

Re: I'm Trying! 29 Oct 2009 12:17 #26200

  • imtrying25
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Hey G38 wats up? Hey at least i got your attention :D. Im still trying to get R Guards too but for now i think hes not being goris me so im waiting patiently. But of course i meant that there are others here too and we are all in this together. But for some of us we are still on the foot of the mountain looking up at the specks of peple up there and encouraging eachother to get up and meet those people who are in such a high and lofty place. ;D
Last Edit: by Reb Yankel.

Re: I'm Trying! 29 Oct 2009 12:57 #26208

  • G38
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:-[ My attention? It is soooo easy.

Just chat with me on guarding38@gmail.com I will answer you on nearly anything!
Last Edit: by Yizhaak01.

Re: I'm Trying! 29 Oct 2009 13:58 #26220

um, the us pervert men part, can I disagree with the pervert?

That is how Hashem made us.

It definitely leads to perversion on behalf of some men, but the feeling is OK. It makes us great!.... when we deal with it correctly!!!!

i.e. realizing intellectually that this is rediculous, and begging Hashem to save us from it.

We can feel closer to Hashem way more than the women, because they are already there and do not have to work on the closeness.

In general anyway (both for men and women).
Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by 8214.

Re: I'm Trying! 29 Oct 2009 15:37 #26251

  • Dov
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I agree with reb kutan, for whatever it's worth. And: Just because I'm a pervert, does not mean I must continue perverting. I'm sober today!! Yahoooeeey!
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
Last Edit: by shenchy2.

Re: I'm Trying! 29 Oct 2009 15:49 #26258

  • the.guard
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Hey at least i got your attention . Im still trying to get R Guards too but for now i think hes not being goris me so im waiting patiently.

Life is like a river.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by Kedusha19.

Re: I'm Trying! 29 Oct 2009 16:50 #26264

  • 7yipol
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guardureyes wrote on 29 Oct 2009 15:49:

Hey at least i got your attention . Im still trying to get R Guards too but for now i think hes not being goris me so im waiting patiently.

Life is like a river.

Im sure that was very deep Guard.
I know; just go with flow.
Hashem is addicted to you! Feel His hugs!"Sheva yipol tzaddik VKUM"
Last Edit: by zemmyd6.

Re: I'm Trying! 29 Oct 2009 16:53 #26268

  • Dov
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...the dead bodies always eventually float up to the surface.  ;D
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
Last Edit: by abe11.

Re: I'm Trying! 29 Oct 2009 16:58 #26270

  • 7yipol
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Learn to swim against the popular downstream current
Hashem is addicted to you! Feel His hugs!"Sheva yipol tzaddik VKUM"
Last Edit: by olam.

Re: I'm Trying! 29 Oct 2009 18:03 #26284

wisdom on the forum.

I liked the dead bodies line, Dov.
Could be your cured from BDS.
Or it could be I'm partial, because you agreed with something I wrote (the ULTIMATE compliment, in my book).
Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by levyy.

Re: I'm Trying! 29 Oct 2009 18:18 #26285

  • bardichev





Last Edit: by YisraelChaim2.

Re: I'm Trying! 29 Oct 2009 18:19 #26286

  • imtrying25
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Ok ok everybody take it easy on the new guy on the block It seems that ever since ive joined ive just been getting bashed. :D Phew! But dont worry, like i told dov before as long as i know and feel that its coming from love i can take it all. SO BRING IT ON GUYS!!!

Now ill get to what you guys have on me.

um, the us pervert men part, can I disagree with the pervert?

What i was tring to say is that the men whove had problems with p*** and stuff usually think in a certain way whenever they are looking around. I saw someone quote on this site something to this effect yesterday from a site that talks about these things. Anyways i dint mean to offend anyone i was just saying it how i see it. I think men who dont have this problem or have worked on it and have gotten places dont think every women on the street is dressed provacitivly. Its just women being women and I with my warped mind see things differently. Its something ive put alot of thought into it, honestly and i feel that i have a valid point.

I agree with reb kutan, for whatever it's worth. And: Just because I'm a pervert, does not mean I must continue perverting. I'm sober today!! Yahoooeeey!

Hey dov i wasnt saaying that we should continue on this way chas vesholom. i was just saying that there is another side to this and women arent trying to provoke or trigger us and we should understand and realize that.

Life is like a river.

Hey  GUARD what in the world is that supposed to mean??????

And most of all i must be doing things right and my tricks are working cuz now i even got the attention of 7UP. woooooow. It was all worth it just for that.
Last Edit: by Zek.

Re: I'm Trying! 29 Oct 2009 18:23 #26287

  • the.guard
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Life is like a river.

Hey  GUARD what in the world is that supposed to mean???

Ok, so it's not like a river.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by JacobRaphael.

Re: I'm Trying! 29 Oct 2009 18:34 #26291

  • imtrying25
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Hey R Guard i wasnt trying to argue just was trying to understand. I try to do that sometimes.
Last Edit: by Be1234.
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