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TOPIC: I'm Trying! 41492 Views

Re: I'm Trying! 30 Dec 2009 16:49 #40099

  • imtrying25
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habib613 wrote on 30 Dec 2009 16:42:

i'm trying, realx!
i just thought u didn't want to answer...
anyway, i read through pg. 1-6 and stil no mention of what you do to live.
i was laughing the whole time btw.
I learn full time in kollel here in the holyland. And of course with the never ending help and support of my precious wife. Thank you hashem for everything. thank you Hashem for my precious wife. Thank you Hashem for my beautiful cute daughter. And most of all Thank you Hashem for giving me GYE. :'(
Last Edit: by empoweredzebra69.

Re: I'm Trying! 30 Dec 2009 16:50 #40100

  • silentbattle
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And I think i speak for everyone when I say that GYE thanks Hashem for giving us you!
Last Edit: by upbeatsquirrel23.

Re: I'm Trying! 30 Dec 2009 16:51 #40101

  • imtrying25
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7Up wrote on 30 Dec 2009 16:47:

IT, I dont know how you do it!
WHere do you find the time to visit everyone all the time?

Just wanted to say that Im raelly impressed.
Your posts have been warm and caring to everyone lately,
and you really show you care.
Mom its the least i can do to repay GYE for everything it has gave me. Mostly it has given me hope. Hope that one day ill feel like a free man again!
Last Edit: by sereneunicorn38.

Re: I'm Trying! 30 Dec 2009 16:52 #40103

  • Sturggle
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are you gonna keep the walker?
Last Edit: by blissfulfalcon67.

Re: I'm Trying! 30 Dec 2009 16:53 #40105

  • sci1977
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KUTGW!!!  Thanks for responding to my posts.  I am grateful for the fact you thank your wife.  It reminds me how powerful our wives can be.  
Last Edit: by gleefulwolf24.

Re: I'm Trying! 30 Dec 2009 16:54 #40106

  • imtrying25
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sturggle wrote on 30 Dec 2009 16:52:

are you gonna keep the walker?
Dude dont you see im trying to be serious?? > > > > >

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Last Edit: by resilientswan45.

Re: I'm Trying! 30 Dec 2009 16:55 #40107

  • imtrying25
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sci1977 wrote on 30 Dec 2009 16:53:

KUTGW!!!  Thanks for responding to my posts.  I am grateful for the fact you thank your wife.  It reminds me how powerful our wives can be.  
Every day sober allows me to realize how truly blessed i am that Hashem has given me my wife.
Last Edit: by TryingAgain5784.

Re: I'm Trying! 30 Dec 2009 16:57 #40108

  • habib613
i didn't mean as a living!
i meant to live, have fun...
do kollel yungerman not do that?
you know, like those little things u do every day that make living worthwhile?
or was it worth it all before, just u were still addicted?
Last Edit: by DeletedUser12739.

Re: I'm Trying! 30 Dec 2009 17:01 #40110

  • habib613
maybe i'm missing something
am i?
Last Edit: by NASE.

Re: I'm Trying! 30 Dec 2009 17:01 #40111

  • silentbattle
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Habib, I may be wrong (especially since I have very limited knowledge of R' S;s philosophy), but I think that "living" is not so much a product of which activities we do, as it is our attitude towards everything we do.

Enjoying life, and feeling good about ourselves. Sometimes activities can help us do that, but to a large extent, I think it's how much we enjoy life itself, and the journey that we're already on. Kinda like opening our eyes and realizing that there's beautiful scenery on the road we're already driving.
Last Edit: by Jenny05.

Re: I'm Trying! 30 Dec 2009 17:06 #40113

  • habib613
makes sense...
i think i'm just thinking bout this from a diff pov,
for me living meant i had to do things differently and change my attitude.

funny thing is, IT has been upbeat since the beginning...
so IT were u not living before and just started?
or were you living before also, and now trying to beat this addiction in addition?
Last Edit: by progressivesparrow.

Re: I'm Trying! 30 Dec 2009 17:06 #40114

  • imtrying25
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habib613 wrote on 30 Dec 2009 16:57:

i didn't mean as a living!
i meant to live, have fun...
do kollel yungerman not do that?
you know, like those little things u do every day that make living worthwhile?
or was it worth it all before, just u were still addicted?
Ok my bad habib. going back i see that this is what you meant. Ive gotta go now but im gonna get back to you on this. Dont fret.
Last Edit: by Takingbackcontrol.

Re: I'm Trying! 30 Dec 2009 17:07 #40116

  • habib613
not fretting
Last Edit: by sarr.

Re: I'm Trying! 31 Dec 2009 08:08 #40374

  • silentbattle
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Somehow, Habib, you don't seem like the fretting type. Unless you play guitar.

I think that for some of us, we do need to make changes in the way we live - some of us need major changes, others more minor, to make sure that we're really focusing on living life. And if we're involved in things that are stopping us from living, in some way, then I guess we'd need to address that, as well!
Last Edit: by balancedwolf53.

Re: I'm Trying! 31 Dec 2009 08:26 #40378

  • habaletaher
  • Current streak: 23 days
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I hope that there are very few of us here that are clinically depressed which means that we are all going out and functioning (hopefully real well) in society, but we have the "other, secret" side of us that creeps into our consciousness and mars it, and also takes up our time at night or other times. but I think that many of us are "Living" a lot on the outside. Ironically it is precisely for that reason that the pain of our secret life is so great, because you're like, I really don't need this, I could have a great life without it!

And we will!
Last Edit: by DeletedUser12984.
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