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TOPIC: I'm Trying! 41472 Views

Re: I'm Trying! 15 Dec 2009 09:04 #34843

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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Yeah the blood was a real story. I was referring this fight and after it was over one of the winners i think her name was trying came and punched me squarly in the nose. Ouch.
Last Edit: by getting stronger everyday .

Re: I'm Trying! 15 Dec 2009 09:11 #34846

  • TrYiNg
justified reaction after that kick that you tried delivering ..that obviously missed..
Last Edit: by rockland.yonatan.

Re: I'm Trying! 15 Dec 2009 09:44 #34852

  • Momo
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Hi IT25,

I finally read some of your thread (from page 15 onward). So many threads, so little time!

I'm really sorry it's taken me so long. You've been so good to me.

I see you were looking for a partner. Are you still? I'd love to speak with you, even daily. Does that work for you?
I already PM-ed you my phone number this morning because I wanted to speak with you.
Let me know if you're interested. I can handle it, even if you just want to kvetch to me. That's OK.
If so, PM me your number.
I'm interested in making real friends, not just virtual. That's good for us. Isolation is the Y"H's best friend.

Your friend,
Last Edit: 15 Dec 2009 09:47 by ozlelokim.

Re: I'm Trying! 15 Dec 2009 11:53 #34889

  • Momo
  • Current streak: 6 days
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IT25 and I exchanged numbers, and I assume that means partnering up! 

Uri, if you're reading this, don't worry. There's enough love in Momo to be spread to both you and IT25.  ;D
(I call Uri every day now...)

Last Edit: by yitsy.

Re: I'm Trying! 15 Dec 2009 12:39 #34904

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 697 days
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Momo wrote on 15 Dec 2009 11:53:

(I call Uri every day now...)

How is he doing Momo?
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by joseph m.

Re: I'm Trying! 15 Dec 2009 12:41 #34905

  • Momo
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He's good. Working hard (at work).
Last Edit: by apinteleyid.

Re: I'm Trying! 15 Dec 2009 12:41 #34907

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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Just spoke to him. Although only for a minute. he was real busy. But he told me he was tense. Didnt have time to get more info though.
Last Edit: by anotheryid.

Re: I'm Trying! 15 Dec 2009 23:13 #35062

  • TrYiNg
send regards 

How's ur day tryah?
Last Edit: by racht.

Re: I'm Trying! 15 Dec 2009 23:15 #35063

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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thanks for checkin in Tryah1. I will send regards. If i remember. I actually had a close call today but B"H i made it. Not much credit to me though. I think the ikkar credit goes to k9. :D ;D
Last Edit: by moin ahmed.

Re: I'm Trying! 16 Dec 2009 02:24 #35104

  • letakain
  • Platinum Boarder
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i gotta get me some doggie treats!
have a good night, trying2!
I am proud of myself today because of who I am becoming with progress, not perfection
one day at a time
I am a pickle, and I'll never be a cucumber again. and pickles are YUM!

my thread: guardyoureyes.com/forum/6-Women-on-the-way-to-90-Days/248941-Letakains-internet-addiction-journal
Last Edit: by gmandel.

Re: I'm Trying! 16 Dec 2009 07:59 #35147

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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letakain21 wrote on 16 Dec 2009 02:24:

i gotta get me some doggie treats!
have a good night, trying2!

Im not sure what that is. But i cant deny that its nice to have a long lost sista back and postin' on me thread. Thanks for the good night. I just happened too be sleepin' by then for awhile B"H. :D ;D
Last Edit: by sobermoish.

Re: I'm Trying! 16 Dec 2009 12:25 #35185

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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As im sitting here on the computer im listening to my ipod. 8th note from Yossi Green. And this song comes on: VE'OZ YI'YU KOL YISRAEL TZADDIKIM V'HAKODOSH BARUCH HU NOTEL YETZER HARAH ME'HEM!!! HASHEM HOW MUCH LONGER TILL WE ARE ZOCHE TO THIS?? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WE WANT IT SO BADLY. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Last Edit: 16 Dec 2009 12:38 by cmellow.

Re: I'm Trying! 16 Dec 2009 12:37 #35188

  • Momo
  • Current streak: 6 days
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Is there anyone holier than IT25, who is machnis orchim?

You WILL do it!

We will bring Moshiyach together!

IT25 is da man!
IT25 is da man!
IT25 is da man!
IT25 is da man!
IT25 is da man!
IT25 is da man!
IT25 is da man!

Get it? ;D ;D ;D
Last Edit: by anonymous141516171819.

Re: I'm Trying! 16 Dec 2009 12:49 #35192

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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Thanks again Momo. Im just one of the men. Were all in this together. And when Moshiach will come well all hold up the GYE  flag anf show him the special army we are part of. And i cant wait to see his reaction.
Last Edit: by alberto.

Re: I'm Trying! 16 Dec 2009 12:54 #35194

  • habib613
can i say is too?
Momo wrote on 16 Dec 2009 12:37:

IT25 is da man!
IT25 is da man!
IT25 is da man!
IT25 is da man!

Last Edit: by esther c.
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