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TOPIC: I'm Trying! 41427 Views

Re: I'm Trying! 21 Nov 2009 17:29 #29776

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 697 days
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My problem with shopping is what i see when i go shopping. I just got back from getting a couple of final things for shabbos and there was so much there i didnt want to see.

Hey Imtrying,

Read the article called "Return to Walmart" by Ben-Moshe in Chizuk e-mail #540 on this page.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by Confidence34.

Re: I'm Trying! 21 Nov 2009 17:34 #29777

  • 7yipol
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"Return to Walmart" is the perfect link Guard!

You have my sypathy it25. Sometimes all I can do is shake my head in wonderment and sorrow, and daven "sheasani kirtzono" with more kavana.
Hashem is addicted to you! Feel His hugs!"Sheva yipol tzaddik VKUM"
Last Edit: by Hii.

Re: I'm Trying! 22 Nov 2009 02:57 #29840

  • yona18
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You live in Jerusalem? That's pretty cool. As for eitzos of shopping, if you've been blessed with myopia, take those suckers off.

If not, engage "low-scan mode" and shop in a store where you basically know where everything is. I'm not sure how well this would work but give it a shot.

Success to you!
Last Edit: by talmid135.

Re: I'm Trying! 22 Nov 2009 03:47 #29847

  • Luria
Reminds me of when I learned in Israel post high-school  - it was was in a charedi yeshiva in a quiet neighborhood.
A pizza store right near the yeshiva has a sign asking that people coming in should be dressed appropriately ,and as it is a quiet charedi area that is never an issue. One day, these 2 Israeli girls walk in, in the heat of the summer dressed insanely immodestly, by any standards. I think they'd be underdressed for a day at the beach.  They were also being really loud and just attracting a lot of attetnion to themselbes I learned there for a couple of years and never do I remember people dressed like that near the yeshiva

Most of the people walking by avoided their eyes but I remember this older Charedi man, who I knew from the shtiebel as a a sweet tzadik , big white beard and peyos and all,  glaring at these girls with such anger in his eyes I thought they would melt...
Last Edit: 22 Nov 2009 03:52 by fes68.

Re: I'm Trying! 22 Nov 2009 17:39 #29893

  • Dov
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I just hope he didn't melt.... there I go being judgemental...( : don't tell the berdichever, please)
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
Last Edit: by lechaim.

Re: I'm Trying! 22 Nov 2009 21:41 #29932

  • Luria
dov wrote on 22 Nov 2009 17:39:

I just hope he didn't melt.... there I go being judgemental...( : don't tell the berdichever, please)

LOL - Im usually somewhat cynical myself with these things but u shouldve seen the guy - if looks could kill... I dont think I've ever seen such anger - only in Israel....
Last Edit: by der3232.

Re: I'm Trying! 22 Nov 2009 22:56 #29942

  • imtrying25
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Hello Everyone. Wow. Catching up on all the threads i realized how much i missed today. Sundays my wifes day off and i dont feel right being on the computer when shes around. Especially since she really works hard the whole week so i think shes deserving of some of my attention. Had a really weird day today. Started off great. But then i went to a cel phone store and there was the women behind the counter and she was the only one there. I couldnt get her picture out of my mind. I was going crazy. I felt like i was starting to slip. And i couldnt get to gye cuz i didnt want to get on the computer. I was starting to get realy mad at myself, like why cant i control myself and why cant i just push the pic out of my mind. I just kept keeping myself busy ... but it wasnt working. Theni had to take care of something which was a big mitzvah. After i finished i had the most amazing expiernce of my life, i think. It all web=nt away. the pic the lust the craving the slip. All of it it just like disappeared. I dont understand it but im telling the honest truth. Now im ready to go to sleep and im feeling so much better. Problem is tomorrow is monday and my addiction loves mondays. So i gotta gear up for a really tough day tomorrow. If i make it ill put myself back on the woh at with 14 days. this was the deal i made with myself. That im not going back on the woh till i pass my previous amount which was 13. Do the math...i fell on monday.  So if anyone can drop by and leave a few words of chizuk it would really be appreciated. Thanks to everyone.
Last Edit: by tovchai.

Re: I'm Trying! 22 Nov 2009 23:48 #29963

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 697 days
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You're gevaldiGGG.

I sense a great warrior in you... I already smell the lechayim of 90 days.... the Woodford, the alcohol... Ahhh... (uh oh, I think I need AA  :-[)
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by Dheyid.

Re: I'm Trying! 23 Nov 2009 00:00 #29967

  • yona18
  • Current streak: 4500 days
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You're a warrior. Why are Mondays tough?
Last Edit: by fulli1982.

Re: I'm Trying! 23 Nov 2009 08:38 #30016

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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I dont know. i just notice a pattern that i fall alot on mondays. mybe its the pressure of a new week. Sunday im still living off shabbos. But honestly i really dont know. But now realize that i have to be careful from things that make me fall even if i dont fully nderstand why. Ok so here goes.... Hope to see everyone on the other side still clean.
Last Edit: by bennyl.

Re: I'm Trying! 23 Nov 2009 08:45 #30018

  • 7yipol
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Hold on to that flying umbrella and sail above it all!
Common', youve been holding everyone else up so amazingly,
dont let yourself down now!

Tell yourself its Tuesday and start counting towards Shabbos already!
Hashem is addicted to you! Feel His hugs!"Sheva yipol tzaddik VKUM"
Last Edit: by godsglory.

Re: I'm Trying! 23 Nov 2009 11:09 #30031

  • imtrying25
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Thanx Mom for the chizuk. So far my days going good but its usually as the day winds down that it gets harder. I think ill gho back to the kosel tonight. That might be a neat idea. To go to the kosel every monday night to daven extra hard to Hashem to give me the extra kochos i need to make it through.
And btw Mom i need my umbrella it is what allows me to "dance in the rain."
Last Edit: by ymig.

Re: I'm Trying! 23 Nov 2009 11:41 #30034

  • 7yipol
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imtrying25 wrote on 23 Nov 2009 11:09:

And btw Mom i need my umbrella it is what allows me to "dance in the rain."

First you need to have rain...
Hashem is addicted to you! Feel His hugs!"Sheva yipol tzaddik VKUM"
Last Edit: by Malk.

Re: I'm Trying! 23 Nov 2009 17:09 #30102

  • imtrying25
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Rage ATM wrote on 23 Nov 2009 14:43:

youre real lucky to be able to see that you fall on mondays...now all you have to do is tell yourself to fall on any day but not monday...you know, it25 you are a warrior..its just us few against the world...there is an active push, the likes of which we have never seen in the histpry of the world to convert the entire world into a cesspool of lust...even in the hippy free-love 60s, the stuff was limited in terms of its frequency and location...we have reached a point where lusting uncontrollably is encouraged and glorified...for you to have taken on this challenge you have decided to take on the world itself...i dont know how guard came up with this network or if he is some sort of navi but this refuge may be the only holdout left on earth...thank you IT25 for being a part of it...giving us strength and always doin it with a smile...

Thanks man for the chizuk. Cant say im having an easy day. At least i was aware of what i was up against. So were almost finished monday so im praying i make it. In a way im really happy that im learning myself. It makes the fight a little bit easier. Because no matter what this fight aint easy. Ok ill keep you guys updated. keep on praying for me.
Last Edit: by yedidiah.

Re: I'm Trying! 23 Nov 2009 17:14 #30106

  • Struggla21
  • Current streak: 1 day
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You can do it!! Tell yourself, you can do it. We all believe in you!!!!

Keep on trying, this time even much more than before!
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