quick question...if it's Elul...why should be online and checking in? Shouldn't we be off the internet and in the Beis Medrash. I know that sounds funny considering I'm writing this post but I'm about to run off to night seder.
Barasi Torah Tavlin - take advantage gentlemen. It's the only foolproof system. Torah is always the key. Shteig! Shteig! Shteig!
Learn up a storm on a Tosfos! Demand truth of the world and yourself! Grow and Learn and strive to live up to the emes of the Torah for that is the only way. See past the sheker and live for the challenge. We are going to daven for the "sefer hachaim" - the book of life - a life full of meaning away from the challenges of the past and living up to the ones in the present. What does Hashem demand of us? Tmimus - be simple. Walk the other way from the Y"H menuval and live with simplicity and kedusha.
Running to night seder.... :