Today,Thursday,with 2 days left till Rosh Hashana
we will iy'h be saying perek yud bais (12).
What an awesome psalm!!(u cant say a sentence like that in person.sounds really weird)
Ill quote out of the heading of this chapter in my sefer:
Only God protects and saves.People who profess friendship and loyalty are often traitorous,but Divine assurances are pure and enduring.
I could not have said it better.
Every line in this perek is gold.
(every perek of course,but this one especially gleams to me)
"Smooth talk,with an insincere heart"
"The tongue which speaks boastfully,those who have said "because of our tongues we shall prevail".
They are constantly trying to sell us their disgusting merchandise.
PORN And they make it all glittery and nice.
Beautiful women
Come to our site,its exactly what you need
Trust Me
This way please....
Credit card please....
Sex is a business.
One of the biggest businesses in the world.
There are millions of thriving conniving lying salesmen who don't care at all about the world's morality going down the drain but are doing their best to take us all down with sweet talk and glittering lights.
Is this what sex has come to?
We must see past their disgusting sweet talk because they are selling and making so low one of the highest things in the world!!!!
(i had to make a seperation before i present The King's side)
But Hashem is emes.
Everything He ever said is EMES.
We can trust Him.
He told us to.
So let's do.
"The words of Hashem are pure;like purified silver,clear to the world,refined seven times."
and always always always remember guys:
"You,Hashem,will guard them(the sincere ones).You will preserve each one forever from such a generation in which the wicked walk on every side(our generation),when baseness is exalted is exalted among the sons of men."
Guys,Hashem desires the heart...
That's all He wants..
Lets try to be sincere this Rosh Hashana ha'l
p.s. sorry for the rant