YVY wrote on 03 May 2011 18:50:
... and what I've learnt from this is that I have to put down the Nesivos Shalom once in a while and learn some more Gemara!
well loock at this
מאור ושמש פרשת וירא
המשיח יבטל כח השטן, לרמז מיניה וביה שדא ביה נרגא, ומהרסיך ומחרביך ממך יצאו
the mashgiach could have mean this like a few ppl said, that the same internet that did us trouble in the first place its also gonna be our yeshua meaning GYE.
but it could also mean; with what you trieng to help (internet, debate, speacking about the subject publicly) you ruining also (internet, debate, speacking about the subject publicly...) why? ask him.
bekitzer ask him if he was positive or negative
any way the mashgiach"s hashkafa dos not fit the mayority of the guys of gye, so live him alone.
if he was negative, he was negative about his croud (עולם, קהילה) not about a diiffrent croud