Yosef Hatzadik wrote on 12 Apr 2011 18:30:
Time for a reevaluation of my methodology.
After 8 months (two complete cycles) of the great GYE 12 Step Phone Conferences I am still having setbacks in my recovery. Why? What isn't working? Why can
Dov have 14 years (!) and i only 6 months? Why when do I find it sooo hard to restart after falling into the mud?
I spoke to a Rav. A major Talmid Chochom & extremely knowledgeable person. He responded that, like everything else, it gets stale. I must find a new aspect, a fresh twist, periodically. To keep it alive, to prevent myself from becoming lethargic.
I laid forth my inhibitions toward accepting & embracing the 12 Steps completely without filtering it through the lens of the Hashkafa which I had ingrained from my upbringing. After all, is it different than listening to a cristian sermon at Sunday mass? Most of what they say is compatible with the Torah.
(I heard it on Sunday over the radio. ;D ) Why are the 12 Steps different?
His answer was slightly different that those who say that the 12 Steps are compatible with Torah. He asked me, "Where do you think Bill took it from? They don't have the
chomer (raw material) for such a program. How did he come up with it? Bill took it from us!
"If I would have the time, I would be able to show you
every line in the book where they took it from."
(I was thinking: Wow! It takes a major Talmid chochom to be able to make such a statement!) In secular colleges, the worst offense that you can commit is plaugerism. If our goal is to learn Hashem's Torah, do I mind if it was translated by non-jews? Is this to be compared to Talmai Hamelech's version of the Talmud or Artscroll's?