On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the most wrong, you were a 10.
The reason for this is due to the fact that you slipped completely. The fact that you had strength built up inside of you does not factor into whether or not you were right or wrong. You asked whether you were wrong based upon 3 things: A: "Brute force" will have a negative effect that will just precipitate a fall. B: The difference in level of difficulty between the Y"H of today and of tomorrow. C: My ego will be boosted so I can justify trying to do something I probably can't, on the off chance that I do manage to accomplish it and will look like a hero (to myself).
Let us answer out of order and go to "B" first. You say
Yosef Hatzadik wrote on 01 Feb 2011 03:19:
After all, the YH of NOW is here now; the YH of 'later' is not here yet. Right now it is easier to combat the YH of 'later' than the YH of 'now.
If you don't defeat the YH of now there is no relevance to the YH of later. If you try to defeat the YH of later before defeating the YH of now, than the YH of now has already won, and guess what? You're done. So this starts you off at a 10.
Next lets move to "A".
What you seem to be claiming is that your brute force would not have a positive effect even though you just said yourself that your friend was calling in three minutes. If your friend was calling in three minutes (as an aside: if you ever get a call from a partner to give them a call in x amount of time, call them NOW) your brute force would have carried you over that time and upon receiving this call you would have been able to hear him out and listen to why you shouldn't fall any further. Now you would be placing your actions in his hands and by doing so you would negate your fears of relapse since you wouldn't have any guilt over not allowing yourself to view these sights, since it wasn't you that stopped you from seeing them . Rather it was just "brute force"used as a carryover and then your partners action that saved you.
Still at a 10.
Finally we address "C". The answer to this is combined with the answer to "B" in a way. You only wanted to boast to your friend that you had succeeded, yet you were really using this as a justification.
Yosef Hatzadik wrote on 01 Feb 2011 03:19:
This is another point. By knowing that he will be calling me in 3 minutes, I had the added incentive of wanting to be able to tell him that I didn't need his help.
You attempted to justified your actions by claiming that since you have already begun to receive help (the small words) you are no longer acting on your own and therefore, whatever occurs is not as a result of your own actions, but rather they are probably fine since, once again, I got help already. This is not an incentive, like you wish to think it was. This is a beautiful diversionary tactic by the YH. By thinking that you have the added incentive of making yourself look good in the eyes of your friend, you are in effect taking out anything that could possibly be affecting the situation negatively, and casting it in a positive light. Now, anything that you do will in your mind, be offset by an eventual victory that you claim to be heading toward with the justification of doing whatever can cause an eventual fall. 10. ??? ??? ??? ???
10. 20. 30. /3=10