76! scary stuff going on right now, very much related to these inyanim, feeling very anxious, daven for me brothers! (altehmirrer ben tzadeikes) thanx!
This is real stuff, it's playing with fire! our actions have repercussions! hopefully i'll come out unscathed, but who knows!!!!!!!! life's on the line! let's realize that i am tzitering in my pants bec. of my actions, please please take this message to heart it's fire!! worse then fire!!!! please don't let youselves ever get to a such a place....., you will regret it

, there is hope for me that this will possibly just past............. but i won't know for another few weeks minimum.
As for me right now i have 2 options, option number 1 is to do what i would have always done in the past in these type of situations, to close up and get depressed and hopeless and feel like a worthless piece of dirt, which will lead me to act out, bec. i'm totally not feeling good about myself.
Option number 2 is to realize that by hook or by crook this is what's going on right now, no changing the facts, accept it embrace it, and turn even closer to hashem whom i know loves me so very much, he only wants what's good for me, and is only doing what is best for me, and i should also feel good that bh i am fighting and bh have made huge strides in the past few months, so i should internalize this, and also take stock that be it what it may i am a changed/changing person, and the altehmirrer doesn't paci himself with sexual outlets.......... at this point this is only another nisoyon (which i don't bentch on anyone).
I hope to stick with option 2!
Hatzlocha to you all, and again please take this to heart, it's possible serious life changing effects. (i don't see a point in getting more specific.....)