I am posting for my day 40, and unfortunately, I fell yesterday. It is really hard to fall (especially without making it to 90 days, and this is not my first fall), and bh I am trying to pick myself back up and keep on climbing. I figured I would try to explain what happened with a more positive message to hopefully motivate myself and others.
After the news of what happened in Israel spread, I felt deep emotional pain. Wonderful pain, pain of noseh biol im chaveiro, pain of achdus. I found myself crying at random times over the terrible matzav we are in now. I always knew boredom and stress were a trigger of mine, but I never knew emotional pain was another one. I began having urges like never before, asking me to medicate the pain with something that would make me feel good, an easy shot into my brain to ease the pain of the world around me. It was REALLY REALLY hard. And I am proud to say- I did it- I controlled myself with these crazy urges for TWO DAYS! I had a slip and noticed myself sliding closer and closer, so I made a taphsic for a bit, which definitely helped. I fell after the taphsic was over. I could have taken another taphsic but I didnt- I think it was a subconscious way of just ending my own internal suffering, of all the pain together with the urges were too much for me. I learned from this experience a new trigger of mine, and I hope this will help me in the future. And I did some good work on the battlefield for two days, and although I may have lost the battle now, I am going to win the war!
Moving forward, I think I am going to try to take longer-term taphsics in moments of weakness (I used to take for one day, but now I may try 3-4 days) just to motivate myself a bit more. I hate taking taphsics because I am scared of taking nedarim, but I think that is the point

Let's see how that goes.
I would love to hear any comments, chizzuk or suggestions. Even if you don't have anything to say when you check off the thank you below the comment, I see people encouraging me and it means the world for me and my fight!!!
Just a quick thought that came to mind that I hope gives others chizzuk. In shir hashirim the passuk says shichorah ani vinaava, I am dark and attractive. Although it may be that our neshamos are dark from sin, Hashems sees our fight, and He thinks that we are all beautiful! He sees the struggle and the inner beauty it brings out in us. Hope that inspires someone out there.
Hope to post again on day 10!