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And I'm still around, Still fight'n :)
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A Board for Yidden who are not as addicted, and for whom Torah/Chizuk/Chassidus can still help them stop.
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TOPIC: And I'm still around, Still fight'n :) 560 Views

And I'm still around, Still fight'n :) 28 Aug 2020 04:33 #354306

  • Swift Eagle
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 41
  • Karma: 7
Hey guys!

I'm 26 years old. I've been struggling with depression for the past 14 years. I've given up on so many battles, yet clung so strongly for so many years. And I still keep trying. I look at myself and say, What am I worth,, I am a horrendous human being, a sinner, worthless, the worlds better off without me. I am evil, weak willed, no self control, lazy and selfish. I am a monster an ogre. I will never be a good husband, hold down a job, be a good father, be an ehrliche yid! I am a rotten heap of refuse, there is no hope for me. I am lost, finished, demolished through my own doing, through listening to the advice of my evil inclination and choosing to head down the path of death.

For a fleeting moment I realize, the opposite is true! I'm still here fighting desperatly to make something of my life, seeking to come back to Hashem and break through those barriers. I want to be and do good, I strive to be better. I'm in the midst of the densest of battle fields, pitch black darkness. The path I thought will lead me to victory turns out to be an illusion, a trap drawing me into the yetzer hara's steel jaws. Ahhhhhh! I cry out to Hashem, Mimamakim K'rasicha Hashem, from the darkest depths of pain and despair do I call out to you!!! And he rescues me each time with loving kindness again and again despite my puny foolishness. 

I am a GIBBOR! A true gibbor milchama! No! I am a weak and powerless creation of the one power. The awesome loving kind mighty power who's created me, sustains my existence and guides my path. He gives me free will to choose good from bad. And when I lose my way and make bad bad choices, he is always there, waiting with endless paitience for me to turn to him and pray "Please Daddy, bring me home, I need you, I want you, I love you & long for your all encompassing loving embrace".

So no, I am not the worthless dirty horrible creature that the yetzer would like me to beleive I am so that he can truly capture me in his net and kill me forever. Neither am I a brilliant and powerfull warrior as he'd like me to think and be haughty so that I should lose Hashem's protection due to my haughtyness.

I am but a powerless wonder-some creation of an infinite higher power upon which I am totally and absolutly dependent. I keep forgetting it and slipping back into the trap.

Perhaps I need a light to show me the way and that would be as kaviyachol he himself says "Barasi Yetzer Hara, Barasi Torah Tavlin"! I don't learn Torah anymore. I don't have a light. Learn more Torah and you'll be better at fight or flight

I love you Yisroel, we are all one, whenever any of us make good choices and ecspecially when we learn even one word of Torah, we are lighting the way for each other as well! May we burn that torch so bright as to lead us straight into Hashem's loving embrace Al Har Tziyon in the final redemption forever and ever.

Rooting for you all, with my deepest love and admiration for you're true inner essence,

Swift Eagle


:יהודה בן תימא אומר
 הוי עז כנמר

וקל כנשר
ורץ  כצבי
וגבור כארי
! לעשות רצון אביך שבשמים

I'm flying in the darkest of dark
in the storm of all storms
please light my way!
Help me rise above temptation 
& come closer to you!
I need YOU like nothing else
& only you!
Only connecting with you will fill my souls yearning,
for all else is peasant food for the prince,
saltwater for the thirsty!
Please help me overcome
the distractions, obstructions & fearsome illusions,
I know it's you hiding behind the terrifying smokescreen,
testing, awaiting, patiently, with endless love,
one greater than the capacity of my imagination.
You are eternal, I don't exist,
bring me close, to cleave to you,
so that I can too last forever by returning to you.
Bring us home, to the land of our soul,
and rid the universe of all evil,
which is simply the "absence" of you,
so that we can feel & see you clearly,
Ki Bayin U'vayin Yiru, B'shuv Hashem L'Tziyon!

Re: And I'm still around, Still fight'n :) 02 Sep 2020 19:39 #354529

Its a shame you posted this in the less popular parts of the forums. Because more people need to see this. Every jew needs to see this. The whole world needs to see this.

Pure masterpiece. May Hashem grant you every beracha.

יהי רצון שהדברים לתועלת

Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can do what others can't.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.
We all make choices in life, but in the end, our choices make us.

Re: And I'm still around, Still fight'n :) 02 Sep 2020 22:59 #354534

  • Captain
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 814
  • Karma: 42
Wow! This is amazing!
In the place where ba’alei teshuva stand, even pure tzaddikim who never sinned cannot stand. (Rabbi Avohu, Brachos 34b)

Great free resources:
My favorite book for breaking free: The Battle of the Generation 
https://guardyoureyes.com/ebooks/item/the-battle-of-the-generation. Change your attitude and change your life!

Rabbi Shafier's incredible lectures on breaking free: The Fight. Download here: 

If you're only ready to try something small, check out an easier way to do self-talk here:

Re: And I'm still around, Still fight'n :) 03 Sep 2020 00:26 #354535

  • Meyer M.
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 257
  • Karma: 16
Great post! I think you'll like this video: 


he gets me to smile every time and its only a minute and a half long. 
Your best teacher for success is your last mistake
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