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shofar: (verb) a cry of happiness??????????
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TOPIC: shofar: (verb) a cry of happiness?????????? 1449 Views

shofar: (verb) a cry of happiness?????????? 20 Aug 2010 16:53 #76928

it is elul. we blow the shofor everyday (except shabbas and ervev rosh hashana) why? so the famous gfamous famous answer is an alarm clock. its waking us up. its hashems cry. has anyone every heard that before that it is hashems cry? im pretty sure it is famous.

heres a thought about it. you can look at it like hashem is crying and close your eyes and get chizuk, i do that.
but today i had an amazing thought, its not a cry of sadness that we are far away from hashem. its hashems cry of happiness!!!! hashem sees that we have such a hard addiction and we are in such a hard generation to control our addiction, but yet sees we still keep on fighting and going (as barditchev says) we keep on truckin even though the pain is so hard, hashem gets such joy from it that he starts to cry of happiness.

we have to remember that even though we might have a fall every day hashem loves it  cus that person might have always had 5 falls a day and now he has 1 fall a day. and each person can change this to there own journey.
but the fact that we are TRYING to improve, hasehm cries tears of joy!!
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