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TOPIC: i need help please!!!!!!!! 570 Views

i need help please!!!!!!!! 06 Apr 2011 04:18 #103293

hi i started looking at gye a couple months ago. I have been up and down. but recently i just cant control myself. im still doing better than i was before i ever started this but i feel like its never going to end please help!!!!!!!!! anyone!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: i need help please!!!!!!!! 06 Apr 2011 14:27 #103347

  • Old Freind
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 168
  • Karma: 1
Before we get to the 12 steps, what is your experience with the tools in the GYE handbook?
Additionally, what level would you be classified under in  "GYE-in-a-nutshell"?

There are many ways of getting a hold on "bad-habbits", but it depends on where you are holding. To ask you about how often you fall, would be  pointless. frankly p--- can be fun to look at, and gets any healthy man exited. So to expect a good bachur to sit in front of an unerestricted computer and not look, is crzay! Why not?  Oh yeh, yiras shamayim... after the first 3 looks it can already have reached the level of Naaaseh lo keheter. So if you feel nothing wrong with it, yiras shamayim alone can't help you.

How about the TaPSYcK meathod?

Do you have a filter? on your phone/ipod too?
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