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Happy 2nd Birthday GYE!!! SheHechiyanu V'Kimanu, V'Higiyanu L'Zman Hazeh
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TOPIC: Happy 2nd Birthday GYE!!! SheHechiyanu V'Kimanu, V'Higiyanu L'Zman Hazeh 1782 Views

Happy 2nd Birthday GYE!!! SheHechiyanu V'Kimanu, V'Higiyanu L'Zman Hazeh 14 Jul 2009 19:22 #8781

  • Mevakesh Hashem
Mazel Tov! Two beautiful years!

Mazel Tov! Mazel Tov! Although it's the three weeks, I would venture to say that for this occasion, it is permissible to say "SheHechiyanu V'Kimanu, V'Higiyanu L'Zman Hazeh!"

The reason I say this is because, it is otherwise forbidden to say that Bracha of Simcha in this period as we lost our Bais HaMikdash. However, The Guard Your Eyes website, by its very launch, was the first step in the Bais HaMikdash's rebuilding; the first step in Klal Yisroel's rebirth.

I don't say this jokingly; I mean it!

Too many members of our holy nation have stooped into the 50th level of Tumah, rachmana L'Tzlan, and thus have held Mashiach back from  arriving.

The GYE revolution, which is being fought by each and every individual on the site, led by the chief tzaddik, R' Guard, is what will usher in Mashiach sooner than you can imagine!

On a persoanl level, Chazal tell us that Hashem always prepares the cure before the sickness arrives.  About a year and a half ago, Baruch Hashem, I was given a second chance by Hashem.

I was steeped in a life of sin and decadence and firmly in the camp of our arch enemy, the Yetzer Hara.

Hashem  orchestrated a series of events which led me to choose life, to throw away the yetzer Hara and embrace the beauty of Hashem and His holy Torah.

I had many struggles to overcome, many battles to win, many changes to implement, many ideals to embrace  and many people to distance myself from.

It was hard. It was beyond hard. It was virtually impossible.

Yet, with Hashem's help, I began my journey to become a new and better person.

The very week that  I began my return, I "happened" to see an ad for GYE on the Yeshiva world website (which is why all donations are important to help the ads be out there for others in need)

I can honestly say that had I not found the site, i would not have had the strength to hold on and to maintain my status as a Ba'al Teshuva.

I know myself. I know my strengths and my weakneses. I say this with complete confidence; Having the great people on the site as support and building a friendship with the great Tzaddik R' Guard, is the thing that kept me grounded and allowed me the resolve to do many of the things I was able to do in the past year and a half.

Every person is obligated to say "B'shvili Nivra H'Olam- the world was created for me!" (This is a responsibility, not a decleration of haughtiness. It means that every person makes a difference and that every little sin, can destroy the entire world! See Ben Yehoyada to Talmud Nidah 31b for more about this)

well, I stand here today and say "B'Shvili Nivra H'Guard Your Eyes website".

And each and every yid that was helped, even in a small way, by the site, should get up and say it too!

Say it loud!

Say it proud!

Say it with resolve!

Say it without shame!

" I am a Guard Your Eyes Success Story!"

"B'Shvili Nivra H'Guard Your Eyes website"

My dear friends, Mashiach can be here before this Tisha B'Av!

Let's make it happen!

Let's throw away everything that the Yetzer Hara wants us to hold on to!

Let's show the lousy Yetzer Hara that his reign is O-V-E-R!!!!!

Chazak V'Ematz!!!

Your dear friend and brother,

Mevakesh Hashem
Last Edit: by kohen78.

Re: Happy 2nd Birthday GYE!!! SheHechiyanu V'Kimanu, V'Higiyanu L'Zman Hazeh 14 Jul 2009 20:18 #8786

  • Efshar Letaken
  • Current streak: 194 days
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Mazal Tov! Mazel Toiv!

I very much feel that This day is & should be a celebrated as a Yom Tov by all GYE members & in general all of Klal Yisroel! (Reb Guard I mean NO Tachnun  ) even thou it is in the 3 weeks.

I'm sure that the day that GYE was born & shined its light at the world, was a day that a huge Ohr (light) came upon this world.

As strong and as powerful the light was & is, that's is how Dark it became in the Y"H's world of Tumah.

Reb Guard,

As I have said before, No praise that I can give will justify the Greatness of You Reb Heilger Guard & Your GYE Website Y"H Bomber as well as all the Tzadikim on this site.

Yes! It is the begining of the Geulah in every sense of the word.

"Geulah!" What is Geulah?!

Geulah is Freedom! Freedom from what?

Freedom from are Holy soul stuck in are Animalistic Body's! Freedom from being tied with the chains of the Y"H! Finally being able to be close to Hashem without any disturbance. Lasos Retsoncha B'Leivov Sholeim!

What will have from Moshiach if not Kirvas Eloikim?! for those who think that the Geulah will be that they will have an easy time getting earthly desires I feel Pitty for them. for the Geulah might be a Let Down for them. Ein Ben Chorin Elo Mi Sheoseik Betorah! (Only He who Learns Torah Is A Free Man)

That's what GYE helps us accomplish the Begining of are Geulah (Hischalto D'Geulah) is already in the making so that we will be able to go towards Moshiach with are heads held high knowing that we did what we were able to do. We Fought with every weapon we had against the Y"H. we need not to prove this to anyone for Hashem knows what we did so that he can show the world & be proud of Yes! His Chosen Nation!

Look at my Children! Look what they had to put up with! And they never gave up!

No Other Nation In History! None! Has gone through what we have since the begining of time & yet survived & came out shining better then ever!

This is the biggest proof by far if you need any that we are all Bnei Melochim (Children Of Hashem)


This is the Final fight in Ruchnius, & the hardest by far. Hashem listened to are prayers & sent us the "Mighty Guard" as a very Powerful Weapon for those who chose to Fight to the end.


Whoever has anything to Offer that would make this GYE Weapon stronger & more Powerful against the Y"H, Now is the time to be part of it! From Money to Tech Support (Upgrading as High tech as possible, Chat Rooms, Automated Wall of Honor Chart & the Works.) Posting Words of Chizuck to others, Giving a Shiur In Beis Medrash, Helping to get the 12 step Program with the Torah Approach & and anything else you have that can make it a better place just do it!

I'm sure this will be the best Birthday Present we can give to Reb Guard.

Efshar Letaken
Last Edit: by Hashems Beloved Child.

Re: Happy 2nd Birthday GYE!!! SheHechiyanu V'Kimanu, V'Higiyanu L'Zman Hazeh 15 Jul 2009 02:24 #8802

  • Noorah BAmram
  • Current streak: 3710 days
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These 2 previous post by Mevakesh Hashem and Efshar Ltaken are so beautiful and echo what I'm sure many of us feel in our hearts

[b]כי שבע יפול צדיק וקם[/b] 
A Tzadik is he who continues to  bounce back after he hits bottom, even a hundred times !!!!!Rav Don Segal Shlita
Last Edit: by cccominghhhome.

Re: Happy 2nd Birthday GYE!!! SheHechiyanu V'Kimanu, V'Higiyanu L'Zman Hazeh 15 Jul 2009 04:34 #8804

  • Avreich
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MNoorah BAmram wrote on 15 Jul 2009 02:24:

These 2 previous post by Mevakesh Hashem and Efshar Ltaken are so beautiful and echo what I'm sure many of us feel in our hearts

Yes. I  second what Noorah is saying, and Mevakesh and Efshar.

A Heartzige Mazel Tov to The Shomer shlitoh !!!

Boruch Shehecheyoschoh, Ve'haikimchoh, Ve'higiachoh Litkufoh Hazos !!!

Boruch Hu Shehidrichonu Lamokom Hazeh.
Last Edit: by Simi.

Re: Happy 2nd Birthday GYE!!! SheHechiyanu V'Kimanu, V'Higiyanu L'Zman Hazeh 15 Jul 2009 09:16 #8815

  • battleworn
Mevakesh, Mevakesh, As usual I have no words!

And as usual, you expressed my own feelings a lot better than I could have!

BTW The Bais Aharon and his father R' Asher of Stolin were noiheg to make a Shehecheyonu on 22 Tamuz! (and other Tzadikim also continued this custom)
Last Edit: by Bnai Israel.

Re: Happy 2nd Birthday GYE!!! SheHechiyanu V'Kimanu, V'Higiyanu L'Zman Hazeh 15 Jul 2009 12:14 #8822

  • chl

battleworn wrote on 15 Jul 2009 09:16:

Mevakesh, Mevakesh, As usual I have no words!

And as usual, you expressed my own feelings a lot better than I could have!

I wholeheartedly agree with this! Mazel Tov! I am, barukh HaShem, a completely different person thanks to the forum and the GUE tools. And all i can say is thank you...
Last Edit: by rinalina.

Re: Happy 2nd Birthday GYE!!! SheHechiyanu V'Kimanu, V'Higiyanu L'Zman Hazeh 15 Jul 2009 13:42 #8832

  • Mevakesh Hashem
Really? For what reason did those holy Stoliner Rebbes say Shehechiyanu on 22 Tamuz?

Did they see B'Ruach HaKodesh what kind of impact GYE will have onthe world on that day?

Chazak V'Ematz!
Last Edit: by ronnie78.

Re: Happy 2nd Birthday GYE!!! SheHechiyanu V'Kimanu, V'Higiyanu L'Zman Hazeh 15 Jul 2009 13:57 #8835

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 763 days
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Really? For what reason did those holy Stoliner Rebbes say Shehechiyanu on 22 Tamuz?

Read Chizuk e-mail 528 again for the answer to that one  ;D

Hint: 8th paragraph
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by Help Me.

Re: Happy 2nd Birthday GYE!!! SheHechiyanu V'Kimanu, V'Higiyanu L'Zman Hazeh 15 Jul 2009 14:03 #8837

  • Mevakesh Hashem
Thanks Guard!

I actually DID read that email, and for some reason, didn't remember it today.

I remember shuddering when reading it: imagine being killed during Shemona Esrei! It is such a sad, yet exalted way to leave this world.

His Olam Haba is immeasurable!
Last Edit: by Mivakesh.

Re: Happy 2nd Birthday GYE!!! SheHechiyanu V'Kimanu, V'Higiyanu L'Zman Hazeh 15 Jul 2009 14:14 #8838

  • battleworn
I can't claim to understand myself. R' Asher of Stolen said that if it was up to him, he would permit making weddings like Lag Ba'omer! R' Tvi Meir always says that the words of Tzadikim are Torah. Sometimes we can't understand them, but that doesn't effect our Emunah in them.
Last Edit: by moshe25.

Re: Happy 2nd Birthday GYE!!! SheHechiyanu V'Kimanu, V'Higiyanu L'Zman Hazeh 15 Jul 2009 21:28 #8898

  • Dov
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Dear rabeinu Guard - Your chelek in helping make safer men and women, safer spouses, safer children in secretly struggling families, and a better "guard" around kedushas Sheim Shomayim as a result, is something that will never go away.
Ashreinu that we all have a chelek in your efforts!! May our  Almighty and Eternal Best Friend bless you and us all with sobriety, health, yiras Shomayim/wisdom, success, and also with enough living humility to be oblivious to all those brochos, if necessary,so we keep them!
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
Last Edit: by roeymrz.

Re: Happy 2nd Birthday GYE!!! SheHechiyanu V'Kimanu, V'Higiyanu L'Zman Hazeh 15 Jul 2009 23:38 #8904

  • Hoping
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Mazal Tov GYE on your 2nd birthday. You have transformed my life and I have only been on less than 2 months! I am sure that i am not the only one who can say that you have saved my life! May Hashem grant you the ability to keep on doing what you are doing.
Last Edit: by .

Re: Happy 2nd Birthday GYE!!! SheHechiyanu V'Kimanu, V'Higiyanu L'Zman Hazeh 16 Jul 2009 03:22 #8912

  • bardichev





ps candy not kosher in usa
Last Edit: by soarerhahaba.

Re: Happy 2nd Birthday GYE!!! SheHechiyanu V'Kimanu, V'Higiyanu L'Zman Hazeh 16 Jul 2009 12:49 #8928

  • Dov
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...i think if you soak it in enough Woodford overnight, the gelatin might become botel. ;D
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
Last Edit: by yid94.

Re: Happy 2nd Birthday GYE!!! SheHechiyanu V'Kimanu, V'Higiyanu L'Zman Hazeh 16 Jul 2009 13:55 #8937

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 763 days
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Thank you so much everyone!  ;D I am most grateful for your Mazal Tovs and well wishes...

As Dov would say, I am but a small "cog" in Hashem's machine. And for that matter, we ALL are.

May we be worthy that Hashem make good use of our lives, talents and strengths - for His honor.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by Moshe Avenue.
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