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Come to my wedding.... 6 PEOPLE COMING already!
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TOPIC: Come to my wedding.... 6 PEOPLE COMING already! 1432 Views

Come to my wedding.... 6 PEOPLE COMING already! 17 Jan 2010 00:06 #46116

  • Will
  • Expert Boarder
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Well guys, its that one time in my life. I've had a pretty rough history (you can look up some of my previous posts) and I've won some and lost some. But, Baruch Hashem, it seems like I'm making headway...I'm moving forward to the next stage of my life...a stage that can begin pure, remain pure, and end pure...and I hope to G-d, with all my heart, that I have the strength and willpower to stay strong and strengthen others. I truly feel that I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for the amazing chevra on this forum. I would be lagging somewhere far behind where I am- feeling bad about myself, not dealing proactively, and most likely not stepping forward. I have all of you to thank for my progress.

With that I must ask you, with the utmost sincerity, to come to my wedding IY"H in Yerushalayim. Please...please come. I would love it if you would come over, give me a hearty hug, and whisper "Mazel Tov Will!!" in my ear. If you wouldn't feel comfortable doing that, just come to the chuppah or dancing or both. If you'd like to sit and eat, please tell me so I can add a spot. There are plenty of people on my kallah's side that I dont know so you can easily blend in (there will also be the entire spectrum of Jew present..from Chareidi, to Tzioni, to Carlebach...no one will know if you don't want them to!).

The kedusha of a few GYE guys in a single room would be easily felt...and it would add so much to my simcha. I feel amazing just THINKING about how incredible it would for this to happen.

Please PM me if you'll be in Yerushalayim in the next 10 days...it would truly mean so much if you came.

Last Edit: 21 Jan 2010 23:09 by .

Re: Come to my wedding.... 17 Jan 2010 00:09 #46119

  • Ineedhelp!!
  • Gold Boarder
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WOW Will!

First of all Mazal Tov. You are a true warrior and a great person. You are taking this whole GYE connection thing to a completely new level. You aree basicaly opening your house to anyone that wants to share in your simcha. Keep it up heilega brother. Youre on your way to stardome.

Shavua Tov


PS. I wont be in Yerushalayim so I cant make it
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Re: Come to my wedding.... 17 Jan 2010 01:21 #46142

Maybe I'm getting reckless in my old age, but if I was in Israel, I would come. I checked out this thread hoping that the wedding would be in america....

I hope that moshiach will come in the next few days, so that I can make it, but otherwise...I'll be there in spirit! Your invitation means so much to me, it really does - thank you for putting a huge smile on my face!
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Re: Come to my wedding.... 17 Jan 2010 03:34 #46163

Sorry but I'm stuck in a cesspool called New York City.

Wish I could be there.

Mazal Tov!
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Re: Come to my wedding.... 17 Jan 2010 03:43 #46164

  • kedusha
  • Current streak: 717 days
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Mazal Tov!  I too am sorry to be on the other end of the ocean!
Just as an alcoholic needs to avoid that first sip, a lust addict needs to avoid that first slip.Slip today? No way! ;)Fall today? No way, Jose'!
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Re: Come to my wedding.... 17 Jan 2010 04:19 #46168

  • bardichev
Mazel Tov
I was lOoking to make another lchaim

Many years of happines and blessings

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Re: Come to my wedding.... 17 Jan 2010 20:05 #46341

  • ark321
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Karma: 0
i will prob be in jerusalem...would luv to come...where about will it b
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Re: Come to my wedding.... 17 Jan 2010 20:11 #46343

I'm in the holy land.  Maybe I'll be able to make it.  ;D

(Please PM the details.)
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Re: Come to my wedding.... 18 Jan 2010 06:14 #46464


May Ha-shem may all of your dreams and tefillos come true, and may your home be filled with Kedusha and Tahara for ever and ever!!!!!

I wish I could be there, but the NY-Jerusalem bus broke down a few weeks ago, something about an alcoholic truck driver drinking Woodford who crashed into it...

So I will have to shout my MAZAL TOV WILL! from right here...

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Re: Come to my wedding.... 18 Jan 2010 13:11 #46513

Eye.nonymous wrote on 17 Jan 2010 20:11:

I'm in the holy land.  Maybe I'll be able to make it.   ;D

(Please PM the details.)

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Re: Come to my wedding.... 18 Jan 2010 23:21 #46766

  • Will
  • Expert Boarder
  • Posts: 84
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Wow, thank you all for your wishes and warmth...its what makes this chevra so special.

I hate that a lot of you can't be there, but Baruch Hashem, already 4 people have sent me PM'S!!!

Anyone else that will be in Yerushalayim within a week, PLEASE PM me! I would LOVE for you guys to be there. I WISH Guard would somehow make a stealthy entrance....


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Re: Come to my wedding.... 4 PEOPLE COMING already! 19 Jan 2010 12:26 #46872

  • 7yipol
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All the best wishes in the world Will.

May you be zoche to build a bayis neeman b'yisael and may all nisyanos be through smachos only.
Hashem is addicted to you! Feel His hugs!"Sheva yipol tzaddik VKUM"
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Re: Come to my wedding.... 4 PEOPLE COMING already! 19 Jan 2010 12:45 #46874

  • kedusha
  • Current streak: 717 days
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7Up wrote on 19 Jan 2010 12:26:

All the best wishes in the world Will.

May you be zoche to build a bayis neeman b'yisael and may all nisyanos be through smachos only.

For those who are wondering, "Smachos" is actually the correct pronunciation (not "Simchos").
Just as an alcoholic needs to avoid that first sip, a lust addict needs to avoid that first slip.Slip today? No way! ;)Fall today? No way, Jose'!
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Re: Come to my wedding.... 4 PEOPLE COMING already! 19 Jan 2010 13:37 #46886

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 906 days
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I will be there in spirit

(make sure to have lots of spirit - especially Woodford!)  ;D

The wedding day is a clean slate. Chazal learn out from the pasuk "Esav married Machalas bas Yishmael" that Hashem erases our sins when we get married.

Make sure to keep it clean. 

You have GYE now, so if there's a WILL (and a Mrs.Will), there's a WAY  ;D
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: Come to my wedding.... 19 Jan 2010 16:07 #46937

  • kedusha
  • Current streak: 717 days
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  • Karma: 47
Will wrote on 18 Jan 2010 23:21:

I WISH Guard would somehow make a stealthy entrance....

Who do you think is being Mesader Kedushin? ;D
Just as an alcoholic needs to avoid that first sip, a lust addict needs to avoid that first slip.Slip today? No way! ;)Fall today? No way, Jose'!
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