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Bein Hazmanim Is killing me!
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TOPIC: Bein Hazmanim Is killing me! 1665 Views

Bein Hazmanim Is killing me! 12 Apr 2009 23:00 #4407

  • Tev
During the Zman My computer has a tracking device but now at home Im struggling like crazy.

I need to end it once and for all, I Must gain self control .

Please send me chizuk
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Re: Bein Hazmanim Is killing me! 13 Apr 2009 03:22 #4411

Ther's always the famous 'joke'  "Your money or your life"....to which the victim responds "hey that's a good question, let me think about it"

But your yetzer hara doesn't give you that choice, he only goes for the kill. Bechol Yom Yitzro SHel Adam Misgaver Alal Umivakesh Lahamito Veilmalei Hakadosh Baruch Hu Ozro, aino Yuchal Lo!

I'm also dyeing alongside you. I was on a streat of 218 days till I blew it on the flight back home (and even then Hashem gave me the lifeline to make it through, but I didn't make strong enough of Gadarim)
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Re: Bein Hazmanim Is killing me! 13 Apr 2009 08:48 #4415

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 906 days
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Bein Hazmanim is a hard time for most people. For Bein Hazmanim you need a BATTLE PLAN.

1) Structure your day to keep yourself busy. Have a seder (or six) in Torah. Make times, write them down. Make plans of what you can do when feeling bored.

2) Vows are excellent, but be careful. Read the pages on the site for clear guidlines on how to do this. The vows should focus on things like not using the computer if no one is home, not using the computer for liesure activity more than "X" amount of time per day, etc...

3) Stay away from the computer as much as possible

4) Stay away from movies as much as possible

5) Stay away from your Yetzer Hara as much as possible 

You may also want to make a list of sites you allow yourself to visit, and make a vow not to visit any OTHER site besides these unless someone is in the room with you.

And keep posting here!
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: Bein Hazmanim Is killing me! 19 Apr 2009 01:20 #4475

  • Tev
Boruch Hashem Im 5 days clean!!!

Ive stayed off the computer which equals freedom. The main way to break free I believe from this terrible disease is to NEVER EVER give in to the Yetzer Hara , once you give a little , It could be all over(Chas Vshalom)

We must all continue to fight him!!

"Never Trust in yourself until the day you die"

I hope with the help of Hashem, this site and it's chizuk and my willingness to change I will defeat the yetzer hara and come clean and free!!
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Re: Bein Hazmanim Is killing me! 03 May 2009 02:36 #4685

  • Tev
Boruch Hashem .

Ive been in Yeshiva now for around 2 weeks & Im now clean for 20 days!

I feel so much better , and as Im sure many of you already know 1 must keep his eyes guarded while in the street as well.

This is the zman of kabalas Hatorah and In order to take all the kedusha in we MUST GET RID OF THE EVIL 1st!!!

(Tzur Merah, Veaseih Tov)

Have an Amazing Shavous and Keep Fighting ...(Ittl be worth it when Moshiach comes!!)
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Re: Bein Hazmanim Is killing me! 29 Jul 2009 23:53 #10153

  • Tev
Im starting fresh again,2 days clean .

Its Tisha B'av and a great time For Teshuva.

We need Moshiach as much as ever now, especially with the recent unfortunate events within the frum world.

EVERYONE(including myself) daven your "heart " out this tisha bav we need geula!

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