Hello my dear friends,
Hashem put an idea into my head and heart today and I feel that I have to do my part in taking action to help bring it to fruition be”H. I daven to Hashem this gets off the ground and has a kiyum, for His sake and for the sake of all of his precious children.
I have not been so involved with GYE for a while, so I apologize if this has been discussed already…
We all know that we are in the last moments before the Geulah Sheleima (may it be b’karov mamesh!). This has recently become a universal topic amongst all parts of Klal Yisroel, and many people have been connecting stronger than ever to the inyan of tzipisa l’yeshua like never before. We are the dor that is “metzapim l’Malchusi” and be”H we are going to be zoiche to the “umiyad nigalan” very soon!
There has become an increasing awareness of the koach - and perhaps the last missing piece to get us there - in emesa bikush and tzaakos for the Geulah. Not just to put an end to all of our tzaros, but most importantly for Hashem himself and to end the tremendous tzar that He is in watching and waiting as His precious children suffer so profoundly in so many levels in these last dark moments of Galus.
Klal Yisroel has been gathering together for what has become known as the “bakoshos hageulah” to cry out to Hashem just like they did in Mitzrayim to free us from this bitter galus and to give us back Malchus Shomayim, Malchus Bais Dovid, and the heliga Bais Hamikdosh. Those who have been involved in such teffilos can attest to koach of these asifos and to the powerful feelings of yearning for Hashem that it invokes. The Chofetz Chaim was initially behind this mussag and felt strongly that this is the missing piece in what is holding back the final stage of the Geulah.
Many of the Gedolim and Rabbonim across that world have participated in such asifos and feel strongly about the importance of this, while at the same time there seems to be a feeling of caution around the whole idea and around making it more public and widespread. I have personally spoken with numerous Rabbonim about this, and with those behind this initiative, and the pshat seems to be that such a kinnos only has this power and chashivus if it comes from a real yearning for Hashem and His Shechina and not simply just to end our tzaros, and for sure not because it has become the latest “movement” or “hock” c”vsh. This could even have a negative effect and be kitrug on Klal Yisroel c”vsh, and also lead to tremendous chalishas hadaas amongst many people. It has to come from us, and that is why it has been promoted from the ”bottom up” and not from the “top down.”
Who, if not we, feel an emesa yearning for Hashem and His Shechina and deep longing for the Geula - not just to end the tzaros of Klal Yisroel, but to be able to restore kedusha to the world and remove all the tumah that is destroying Hashem’s precious children?
Who, if not we, know what it means to yearn and strive to connect to Hashem from the bottom of our hearts with real hergesh? To keep fighting when we feel so low and dirty and yet rise to the occasion when we can, just to offer any tiny korban to Hashem to create a moment of nachas ruach in the middle of all the darkness and the pain?
Who, if not we, dream and cry for what it will be like on the other side when we have the Bais Hamikdash again and Hashem, our loving caring Father, back in our midst and all the tuma gets removed from this world once and for all and we can serve Hashem, b’kedusha vetahara with the simcha and sheleimus of being and feeling embraced in His arms once again?
I beg all of you here, including the administrators of GYE, to join together in helping to make this happen be”H. We all know that this war is only going to get much worse with more and more casualties along the way r”ltz. GYE is amazing in helping us fight this war and minimize the extent of the fallout amongst Klal Yisroel - ashreichem! But this is like a plumber who leaves buckets when he finishes fixing a pipe to catch the remaining drips rather than actually fully solving the problem. We all know that the only real solution at this point is the Geulah Sheleima, and we are so so close be”H!!!
Please let us all come together, k’ish echad b’leiv echad, to arrange such an asifa together with all the mivakshei Hashem involved with GYE, Vayimain, Doeihu etc. We have the power of tens of thousands of precious erlicha yidden striving for kedusha, striving to connect to Hashem, and yearning for the ultimate Geulah!! If we can put together such an asifa be”H, we can channel all the pain and yearning we collectively feel and give that to Hashem. What a tremendous nachas ruach and kiddush Hashem this will be and one can only imagine what this can “tu oif” in shomayim!
(I think we should aim to do it on Rosh Chodesh Nissan, both to give enough time to pull it together (which hopefully we won’t need), and since Nissan is the zman ha’geula be”H!!)
Thank you for reading this and for helping make this happen be”H!
Please respond or even just click “thank you” here on the forum, or email my GYE private email at bentorah00@gmail.com. If anyone knows who I should contact that is involved that can help make this happen, please let me know.