Quick Recap
Hello all,
Long time no see. I've been doing much better for now. but still cant stop completely. I would say web chaver / covenant eyes has REALLY helped.
As a developer I can crack through most filters.
The thing about web chaver is there is an accountability partner receiving weekly emails of screenshots and sites. I don't know if I've hacked it successfully and if I fail... someone gets an email and I am quite embarrassed. The guy I signed up for mine is a Rabbi so yeah... pretty embarrassing.
But he's not exactly an accountability partner and he doesnt "understand" what it is to feed in to the lust. He's also not available the way a partner would be. And new devices enter my life and come and go and it can get hard to block it all while living in this modern world. And so I fail here and there. I used to just focus on Porn, but now I have included masturbation. (PM)
I had a partner from this site once and he just stopped chatting and disappeared one day...
I jump around from this forum to another one and try my hardest but every few weeks theres a fail even if just for 10 minutes... and I rarely go back to the forums... Or i come back to the forum after the fact.
Forming a group
I noticed the best is having accountability or people you can reach out to
So I am trying to create something like that. As a developer I decided to use my skills to create a place for instant chat and availability anywhere while staying anonymous.
I created a slack group called Jew Anonymous.
I'm looking for a few people who want to join and test it out. It's simple and unlike whatsapp does not require a phone number. You can make (and should make) a fake email address to use and stay completely anonymous.
Slack is a chat app used in many offices. There we can help each other and check in daily and make sure were doing ok.
I also created a slack bot with some code
. The bot can help you keep track of your last relapse date and lets you know how many days you have been clean.
Slack does require internet and probably would be best used as a mobile app on a smart phone. That way you have it with you on the go.
I'm looking for some testers who want to join and help each other. Open minded people who are willing to try and help each other, check in almost daily or weekly and be respectful.
About Me
It's good to join a group where you feel like the people there understand you.
To that end, I am a moderate (i think they call it modern yeshivish... i dunno i don't prescribe to labels lol) single jew trying to stay away from pornography and masturbation.
Hashkafa-wise I'm a regular guy. sometimes I wonder if I fit on the forums here lol.
To be honest, I pray, learn daily, do mussar and daf yomi, and work from 9-5 creating websites. However, I also watch some tv here and there, at least what i feel is appropriate, although lately I have nothing to watch and the news has become a tv show of horror...
I read, play video games, and write code and do nerd things.
Please let me know if you want to join. Only taking a few people at first.
Thank you.