Dear Battleworn, I feel for you. It is not easy.
Here is a beautiful article that can give you some insights in how to deal with your son perhaps.
You can also contact Rabbi Horowitz for advice on these things. His site has info on how to reach him, as well as MANY GREAT ARTICLES that deal with these type of questions and issues. See his site over here: Also... there was a poster going around in the U.S that might help your son understand why you are scared that he gets such devices. You can see the poster
here. It reads as follows:
Dearest Abba and Mommy,
Just wanted to thank you for the iPod touch you got me for my birthday. It’s the coolest thing! Seriously. I use it all the time to access the most disgusting stuff in the world! You would like totally faint if you knew. Anyway, OMG! It’s like the sickest thing ever. And the internet is WAY fast. It only takes me a few seconds to download the WORST videos and photos imaginable. I can literally get anything I want and talk to anyone I want. Bet you had no idea when you bought it. That’s too bad, cuz, you know, I was just an innocent 7th grader full of potential. You probably had high hopes for me - sorry, but that’s history now. I don’t really care much about learning - or anything else - anymore and I’ll probably drop out of school pretty soon. So long and thanks for ruining me. You rule!
Love, Chaim (a.k.a. “tank”) One last idea. Would you consider talking to your son about your own journey? This might be very inspiring to him, and save him having to forge his own path.